37KnowledgeDV-402/DVF-3530 (EN/K,P,T,M,X)÷ A viewing restriction (RATING) has been set forthe disc.÷ You have forgotten the viewing restriction (RAT-ING) password.÷ The DVD disc being played does not contain therecording of the selected voice or subtitle lan-guage.÷ The function for displaying message on the TVscreen (On-Screen Messages) is set to off.÷ The menu language function (MENU) is not set.÷The inhibition icon is displayedand remote control is not pos-sible.÷ Playback is restricted intentionally by the soft-ware producer.In case of difficultyDVD player unit÷ Check the viewing restriction level (RATING)setting.÷ Set the initial setup to the factory setup withthe following procedure.1 In POWER ON condition, keep the 7 (STOP) key and the ¡¡¡¡¡(Search) key pressed at the same time.2 When both keys are pressed, the region code of the unit, thesoftware version, etc. will be displayed on the display. (Whennothing is done, the display of this information continues.)3 Press the ON/OFF key to go to Power OFF.4 When Power ON is performed with the ON/OFF key, thesettings become the default factory settings.÷ Use a DVD disc containing the recording ofthe selected voice or subtitle language.÷ Set On-Screen Messages to on.÷ Set the disc menu language function (MENU)as required.Playback will not start even after a title isselected.The viewing restriction level (RATING) can-not be changed.The voice or subtitle language selected inthe initial setting is not played.No message appears on the TV screen aftera key is pressed.Menu screen messages are not shown in thedesired language.RemedyCauseSymptomRemote control unitSymptom Cause RemedyRemote control operation is not possible. ÷ Batteries are exhausted.÷ The remote control is too far away from thesystem, the controlling angle is deviated orthere is an obstacle in between.÷ Replace with new batteries.÷ Operate the unit inside the remote control-lable range.Symptom Cause RemedyInhibition iconApparatus Claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 4,631,603, 4,577,216,and 4,819,098, Licensed for limited viewing uses only.This product is compatible with the MacroVision type copyprotection. Some discs contain the recording of copy inhibitsignals, and the video may be disturbed when the video ofsuch discs is recorded onto a VCR and played back.This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is pro-tected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellec-tual property right owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rightsowners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be author-ized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and otherlimited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by MacrovisionCorporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.It is prohibited by laws to duplicate, broadcast, perform inpublic or rent a disc without the permission of the copyrightowners.Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby”,“AC-3”, “Pro Logic”, and the double-D symbol are trademarks ofDolby Laboratories. Confidential Unpublished Works. © 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved.“DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are trademarks of DigitalTheater Systems, Inc.