HM-331 (En/T)44Knowledge sectionIn case of difficultyOperation to resetThe microcomputer may fall into malfunction (impos-sibility to operate, erroneous display, etc.) when thepower cord is unplugged while unit is ON or due toan external factor. In this case, execute the followingprocedure to reset the microcomputer and return itto normal condition.Unplug the power cord from the power outlet then,while holding the “set/demo” key depressed, plugthe power cord again.÷ Please note that resetting the microcomputer clearsthe contents stored in and it returns to condition whenit left the factory.What seems to be a malfunction is not always so. Before calling for service, check the following tableaccording to the symptom of your trouble.RemedyCauseSymptomAmplifier section/Speakers÷ Connect properly referring to “ Systemc onnection”.÷ Adjust to an required volume.÷ Switch MUTE OFF.÷ Unplug the headphone plug.÷ Turn the unit OFF, remove the short-circuit and turn the unit ON again.÷ Insert correctly.÷ Connect properly referring to “Systemconnection”.÷ Adjust the optimum left and right bal-ance.Sound is not produced.No sound from the head-phones.Sound is not produced fromthe left or right speakers.÷ The speaker cords are disconnected.÷ The volume control is set to the mini-mum position.÷ The MUTE key of remote control unit isswitched ON.÷ The headphone plug is inserted into thejack.÷ The speaker cords are short-circuited.÷ Imperfect insertion.÷ The speaker cords are disconnected.÷ The BALANCE is set completely to theleft or right channel.RemedyCauseSymptom÷ Adjust the present time again.÷ Adjust the present time again.÷ Adjust the present time referring to“Clock adjustment”.÷ Set the timer ON time and OFF time.÷ Press the TIMER key to set up the execu-tion.÷ Connect antennas.÷ Select a band.÷ Tune to the frequency of the desiredstation.÷ Install the outdoor antenna in an apartposition from the road.÷ Switch the suspected electric applianceOFF.÷ Install the TV or the system at an in-creased distance between them.÷ Preset stations with tunable frequen-cies.÷ Preset stations again.The clock display blinks with-out changing the figures.Timer operation is not pos-sible.Radio stations cannot be re-ceived.Noise interferes.A station has been preset butit cannot be received by press-ing the P.CALL key.÷ There was a power failure.÷ The power cord was unplugged from theoutlet.÷ The present time has not been adjustedor there was a power failure.÷ The timer ON time and OFF time havenot been set.÷ The timer execution was not set up.÷ The antennas have not been connected.÷ A proper broadcasting band has not beenselected.÷ The frequency of the station to be re-ceived is not tuned.÷ Car ignition noise.÷ Influence of an electric appliance.÷ A TV set is installed near the system.÷ The frequency of the preset station isnot tunable.÷ The preset memory has been clearedbecause the power cord has been un-plugged for a long period.°q6)¡6%%6flTuner section22set/demo