Thisisa4channelamplifier including2stereoamplifiersinabody.Oneamplifierisreferredto asamplifierAandthe otherisamplifierB.Thisunitiscompatiblewithalarge varietyofsystemsbycombiningtheswitchesandfunctionsdescribedinthefollowing..@POWER CONTROL(REMOTE) LEADterminal© LOW PASS FILTER switchWhen this switch is on, the low-pass filter takes effect on the line output.(The frequencies higher than 80 Hz are filtered.)®© OPERATION switchThis switch allows selection of the amplification method of input signals.+ STEREO positionThe amplifier can be used as a stereo amplifier.« L+R positionThe L+R (mono) sound is output. Set this position to bridge connection.HIGH PASS FILTER switchWhen this switch is on, only 150 Hz and higher frequencies are output through the speaker.6) POWER INDICATORWhen the power is turned on, the Power indicator lights.IfthePowerindicatordoesnotlightwhenthepoweristurnedon,theprotectionfunctionmaybeactivated.aCheck whether there is any indication of trouble.© INPUT SENSITIVITY controlAdjust this control according to the pre-out level of the center unitconnected to this amp.NOTERefer to “Specifications” on the center unit's instruction manualabout the pre-out level.D Amp A LINE IN terminalAmp B LINE IN terminal®© LINE OUT terminalThe signals input to Amp A and Amp B and mixed are output from this terminal.Only low frequenciesorfullrange frequenciescanbe outputbyturning theLOWPASSFILTERON/OFF.ACAUTIONThesignaloutputfrom LINEOUTthroughthelow-passfiltermustnotbeinputtotheunitagain.Otherwise,theunitmayfail.RCA CABLE GROUND LEAD terminalCenter unit Amplifier inputpreout level sensitivity800~ 1000 mVj fanETS ERT7 iS2 English