Display IndicatorG) @r-'\l-"-I-"'-'-I'-I'-'-"-"'-"'-"-1-'1-'1-1'-1'-'-"-"'-"'-'1-"-'1-'1-1-"'-'t;~lIN"NI IN"NI INI INIINI INI INI'IN' INI i~ I,-®CD liST' indicator: Lights when a stereo broadcast isreceived.@"IN" indicator: Lights when a disc is in the unit.@ lie: II indicator: Shows the image indicating theoperating state of each source or the setting ofAudio Control.Text Display SelectionChanging displayed information on each sourcefollowing;In Tuner sourceFrequencyClockIn CD sourceDisc title "DISC TITLE"Track title "TRACK TITLE"----- ._---------- --_._--Play time &Track number "P-TIME"------O~ 1~~In Audio file sourceClock "CLOCK"In Standby/ Auxiliary input source·..·0f0r:5 ',' .•e .•...,' R."' •..•. _ •. ~l$.i,H;.."..-,;p - 0$44 ~.'~..-)k ......~. '. ' ... "..•.~.,...~jlt.4t~~ "J7~§: "",,".'-:<- - __ ----~-~l1' .' ~:$;jtKq·--;', ..•. '.I,;.!i-I!!" "-·'¥~f!~!!tJ~{' -,; '. bel" ,uJ¥>:mSource name "SOURCE NAME"a~ 1~~Select the textPress the [DISP] button.b\~• When you select the clock display. the display setting ofeach source will be changed to the clock display.If the selected display item does not have anyinformation. alternative information is displayed.English I 7