English33Folder select 1Searches for a folder in the order of the mediadirectory. This method is useful if audio files aresorted in folders by category and artist.1Set to the folder select 1 modeFor details on how to select the mode, refer to2Select a folderTo select a folder in the same directory ...Each time you move the knob to the left movesyou to the previous folders and moving theknob to the right moves you can move to thefollowing folders.To move to another directory ...Each time you move the knob up moves youto the next lower folder level and moving theknob down moving to the next higher folderlevel.To move back to the 1st level ...QAMSETUPAUDVOLMENUSCANSTOPM/SRDMREPF.SELM.RDMOFFDISPPTY/C.S.SWSRC3Plays the folder displayedAMSETUPAUDVOLATTM/SDISPPTY/C.S.SWAMEAUTOFMSCRLFolder select 2Selects folders in their order.Only folders containing playable audio files aredisplayed.1Set to the folder select 2 modeFor details on how to select the mode, refer to2Select a folderEach time you move the knob to the left movesyou to the previous folders and moving theknob to the right moves you can move to thefollowing folders.To display the name of files contained in thefolder shown ...Each time the knob is moved up, the nexthigher level folder names are displayed. Whilehigher level folders are displayed, "*" appears.If the knob is moved down, the next lower-level folder names are displayed.3Play the folders displayedAMSETUPAUDVOLATTM/SDISPPTY/C.S.SWAMEAUTOFMSCRL• Even when the next higher level folder name is displayed,the folder playing is the folder currently selected (notmarked "*"). The folder currently selected will not change.Select Mode