sreeeeee renee terest,Wisueksoevecene SCRSPEAKER SYSTEM A@ While pressing lever (holding it).@ Insert cord.a@) Release.RK Le Never short-circuit the + and - speaker cords. Meseteseces Weeteretets@ If the left and right speakers are connected inversely or if the reeceseseee NSetereet* . }, 4speaker cords are connected with reversed polarity, the sound Wecotocates retecetatene. 1 rs ays . +,0,0,4, 9,9, 0,6, %,0,9,.¢becomes unnatura! with.ambigous acoustic image positioning. renecotatere MEM NeceratetetCK KSAT 0,0.4. © @.:Be sure to connect the speakers and speaker cords correctly. Watatetstet eestatatatySPEAKER SYSTEM BPERE REESEREN OME OEP TREC FOOT os RECDR SS PRIS av eo SS aSpeaker IMPEDANCE SELECTOR CAUTION : During operation of the speaker IMPEDANCE SELECTOR, set the POWER switch to OFF.Set the IMPEDANCE SELECTOR switchon the rear panel according to the impedance of the speakers used.Front speaker impedance a Selector position ;IMPEDANCE SELECTORAor B speakers 42 — 62 Aor LESSTHAN)A and B speakers 8Q ~ 16Q oeMee <> SuOR MORECiIMPEDANCE SELECTORAarB: LESS THAN 812Aor B speakers 8Q — 16Q S6JOR MORE ce SHOR MORE>i]e |t is not possible to use both A and B speaker systems if speakers have impedances from 4 ohms to 6 ohms.