CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSymbol DescriptionLOUDNESS Loudness OutLOUDNESS output pinWhen“LOUD”isdisplayedontheLCDpanel,lowlevelsignalisoutput.Whenitisnotlit,highlevelsignalisoutput.Whenthepoweristurnedonfirst(VDDrisingtime),lowlevelsignalisoutput.(CMOS output)BAND2/NRWhen Band A is “0” or 1” and the NR selector is 1", thisfunctions as the NR on/off output pin. When “NR” is dis-played on the LCD panel, high level signal is output.When it is not lit, low level signal is output.This pin can be operated in the TAPE/RADIO mode.On initialization when the power is turned on, this pin is atlow level.When BAND A is “0”, “1” and the NR selector is “0”, thisfunction as the WIDE-ADV on/off output pin.@ In the Radio mode:This functions as the WIDE on/off output pin.When “WIDE” is displayed on the LCD panel, high levelsignal is output, and when it is not lit, low level isoutput.DOLBY output pinWhen “DOLBY” is displayed on the LCD panel, high level signal is output. When it is notlit, low level signal is output.On initialization when the power is turned on, low level is output.e inthe Tape mode:This functions as the ADV on/off output pin.When “ADV” is displayed on the LCD panel, high levelSignal is output, while it ts not lit. low level is outputOn initialization when the power ts turned on first, it 1sat low levelWhen BAND A ts 0" and the NR selector is ‘O” (SDK oper-ation is normal only when in this status), and BAND B ts“7 this pin functions as the BAND 2 output. BAND 2 be-comes the band switching output port tn combinationwith BAND 1OutputKRC-646D/13