KRF-V7771D/V7771DE4CONTROLSPerform “Model Type Setup”of the remote control beforeusing it.The following menu display ap-pears after the batteries areloaded for the first time.ON/STANDBYMUTEVOLUMEENTERSetup SurroundSP LevelSP DistanceSP SelectionTunerCD1Video2 Video3 Video4Video1TV1PhonoTV2CD2MD/Tape1CD2/Tape2InputDigitalInputAnalogAV AUX Macro RemoteModeMainMenuCONFIRM123 4 567890NoteNote1 Segment screenThe fixed icons are displayed in this area.÷ Main Menu icon : Select to display the Main Menu screen.÷ Phono icon÷ CD 1 icon÷ Tuner icon÷ MD/Tape 1 icon÷ CD 2/Tape 2 icon÷ Video 1 icon÷ Video 2 icon÷ Video 3 icon÷ Video 4 icon÷ AV AUX icon÷ TV 1 icon÷ TV 2 icon÷ Macro icon : Select to control macro operation.÷ Input Digital icon : Select to play a digital input.÷ Input Analog icon : Select to play an analog input.÷ Remote Mode icon : Select to switch the remote control operationmode without changing the selected input.Select to switch input and control the se-lected input. ( Phono and AV AUX : Inputselection only )Select to control TV.2 Menu screenControl key icons and control levels are displayed in this area.3 Communication status displayShows the communication status.4 Joy stickThis key is used to select an icon. This key can be controlled in4 directions.5 ENTER keyPress to enter the selection of an icon.6 VOLUME (up, down) keyPress to control the volume.7 CONFIRM keyPress to confirm the currently selected items.8 MUTE keyPress to mute the audio temporarily.9 (ON/STANDBY) keyPress to turn the receiver and the components connected to itthrough system cords between ON and STANDBY modes.0 Return ( )iconSelect to return to the previous menu screen.Model Type SetupModel 2Model 1