~1~p~Itant};'Io~ic~~on(;~rnin9tfle§pftw~te, ,~~:~ ~~ ," ~ ~ ~"e~~ ", ',~>,,<, ,~~::, ~,:", ",' e"; t:",~,£: ""11i".;tr~ ~ ~ ~"1~ "'~1~;-< -; ~:~:-b '~~--&It€;:' 0-:> "\M" :tJ::b __ , X:/ j ",-r "'; t~ ~ ",,,,YI.L~(J:7tL2",,1"'-« ~; -'$~d~ ~-r'"'-1 ~~~I~ :J:& ~~; ..,~~~ .N~1~~-:-r;:"i~ ~""~~'lffr:~""f~~f~'--tijfFJL+;I~:fJ111Th~~10s"1all inl:ne functions (ten I,rles or less in ICr1Cjth), therl theusc of the object file IS unrestricted, regGroiess of whethert isegally a derivative I//ork. C:'xecutables conlC:Jlrllr':g th'sobject code plus :Jo,tions of me ~ibr2ry will stil i fall underSection 6.)Othervvise, if the work is a dervatlve of the L:bra:y, you maydstrioute the object cooe for the work under the terms ofSection 6.l\rlY execl comaini:lg t~at vliork also fall under Sector6, \vnetner or not tney are linkec directly wltn the libraryItself6/\s ar, excepclon to tne Sectio'1S abovc, you "1iJy iJlsocomb::le orin< a 'work that uses the L'bra'y' with thei.ibrary to :Jroduce a work containing portions of theLibrary, ar,d d,su,outc that vvork ,mder lerrrs Df you choice,provided tnat che terms oer:~d modifcatior: of tne workfo, tne customer's mvn use and reverse er",CjlneerlrlCj fordebugging SIXI'. modiflcator'sYou must give proml:lent rlotlce w,th eaen copy of the \vor:<that the. Ibrary IS used in it and that the Libr2~Y and I~S useare covered by this License. You must supply a copy of thisL,cCl1se. If the work during execution disoiays copyrig ntnotices, you must Includc the copyrig'l': notice fo' theUbrary among them, as well as a reference directing tneuser to the cooy of thiS Icerlse /~Iso, you must cia ore ofthese r.nlngsa) ;\cmrroany the vvork vvith the comple,ecorrcsporlding machine-readable sO,Jrce code for theLibrary including 1//h2tever ch2:lges vvere Lsed In thewmk (which rm;st be distributed 'under Senio:ls 1 ancl 2above); and, If the work IS arl executable !Inked With thelibrary, vVlrh rne complete mach'1e·reaoable '\vork tr.atuses t1e Library", as object code and/or so wee code, SDtl~atthe user car, modify the Library a1d then relink toprocuce a mod'fled CX0ClJta:;le CoTalnlng tne r-lOdlk'c:library (Ir IS understood t.nat the user who changesthe contE'nts of definitions files the L:orary will notnecessarily be able to recompile the application to uscthe modiPed def:n'tions.)b) Use a SUitable shared Ilorary 11Cchanlsrn for Ink:ng INIUthe ~Ibrary /\ SUitable rl'echar':srl'. [s one that (1) L,ses atrur, tirl',e a copy of t'IC Ilcrary aready prese'lt on the l;ser"scornputer systerl', rather than copyi:ng library functions'nto the executaoie, and (2) wil! operate properly' \;v,th amod Iflec version of the i ibrary, If trlc user instals one, aslong as the mocW,ed version is Inter~ace compatible w'ththe version that thc work was rl'ade wirh.c) Accompany thc work with a wntten offer, valid forat least tnree years, to gNe the sarne usc' the materlC'sspeCified In Subsection 62, above, "or a charge no moreThan The cost of pcrformlrlCj this distrlbuton.d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access tocopy fro"1 a designated place, offer cqulvaent access tocopy the above spec'led r,atulals ~rom the same Clacee) Ve(\' tnat the user has already rece'ved a co:::;y ofrhcse materals or that you haVE' aready SPill ll~s usc:a copy.-'or an executa;),e, the required form of the "work that usestr1e ~ibrary" rr;Jst :rlCude any da,a and uri:ty p:ograrllSneeded for reprodUCing the execuable from it. Hovvever,as a speCial exceotlon, the mater:als to be disrriolJledleed not include anyt.nlng that is normally d:st(buted (:1eller source or billary form) with the rl'aJor components(co::loiler, kernel, end so on) of t~le ope'ating system orthc cxecutdbc 'l;ns, un ess tha: con~.polent itselfaccompanies tr.e executablet "'lay happe:n tnat thiS 'eqJlrcrner:t cO'ltradicts thecerise rest"cllcns of other proprietary 1::Yarles tr.lt dolot normal); accomp,Hly :hc ope'cU'lC] sy,tcrr. SI,Cl Jcontradiction rreans you carl:lot use both them and ~he_'8:2:y together Irl im executable ,hac you distribute.7 You may dace library facllt!es tnat arc a '//0'.< bJseclon. the Liorary Side bysiae i:l a singleibrary together'lith o:her libra'y facilUes lot covered oy this UcerlSc,and d:su:bute such 2 comoined library, prOVided that these::;arate distribution 0' the work based eJr1 tr'e I~)rary amJof the other library faCilities IS other'l/ise permned, alldprovided that yeu do these "vVO tnlnc,s'a) /\ccompany the combined library wth " copy 0' thesame work based 01 tne Library, unco:-:lb:ned with anyot'lerlbrar;/ 'acil,':ies Ths must be d,slrlbuc"c I.mder tneterms of the Sections above.b) G:ve ::;:o':1Ir1enl rloticc 'Nth tr:c corll!Ji'led librarythe ~2ct that :Jart of it IS a worez ::lased or', tr,e Library, al':dexplalrwlg w'le'e to 'Ind tr:c aCGJmpimYlrlC] IJl'icmnbl:lcdferrr of the same work.8 vo u 113y no', copy, :i'odlfy, suDilcensc, Ilrlk wiH" orciistrioute the Library except as expressly prOVided underthis License' /\ny alterlpt ot:nerwlse to copy, modify,subk0nsc, link IN'th, or clstribute the lIbrarys VOid,anci wil' automat'cally term'nate your rights under thiSUcensc. However, parLes who [laVe rccc'ved cO:Jies, orrights, "rom you ur:der this License vvill :lot have tneirI,UF1SCS tCTTwlatcd so lorlC] such parties rem2'n !n 'Ijlcom:Jliance.9. You are not required to 2CCCpt tnis jcense, since yOL; havenot sig:ned Ilowever, :nothing else grants yO',] permss:onto mod::y or dl)trbulc the l:Jrary or Its derlvatve1hese actions aTe orohi8:ted by law If you do not acceptt11S License. Therefore, by rnod:fYlng or distributing theLibrary (or any work oased on the L'bra,y), you indicate youracceptance of ',his License to do so, and ali its te'nlS and