KVT-910DVD/920DVD/930DVD/940DVD/960DVD18COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONIC1 NJM2406F Comparator Thread pulse wave rectifyingSUB-CIRCUIT UNIT (X13-9770-00)Ref.No. Component name Application / Functions Operation / Conditions / CompatibilityIC1 SP3721A RF signal processing IC RF signal processing (AGC,EQ, etc.),Servo signalprocessing (FE,TE,CE,DFCT,MIRR,APC, etc.)IC2 NJM2125F Op-Amplifier VC(2.5V) buffer (voltage follower)IC3 NJU7093A Op-Amplifier Jitter signal amplifierIC4 NJM2406F Comparator FOK signal generation (PI converter)IC5 NJM2100M Op-Amplifier Layer jump monitor (FE signal reversal, LPF)IC6 LA6393M Comparator Layer jump monitor (window comparator)IC7 L88MS05T 5V AVR For RF amplifier, pickup, and servoIC8 LA6553 4chBTL driver Focus tracking actuator, thread loading motor driverIC9 BD6661FV 3-phase motor driver For PWM driver spindle motorIC10 NJU7096AR Op-Amplifier Spindle servo (SPO) signal amplifier (LPF, gain rectifying)IC11 SN74AHC1G08D AND gate RESET controlIC12 NJM2125F Op-Amplifier VC2(1.65V) buffer (voltage follower)IC13 SN74AHC1G08D AND gate Clock ON/OFF controlIC14 CXD1867R Signal processing decoder IC Functions for CD-ROM decoder, ATAPI I/F, AV decoder I/F, DVDPLL, DVD error correction,Buffered Audio Play, and Subcode dataIC15 L88M33T 3.3V AVR Power supply for IC14IC16 IS41C16256 DRAM EDO DRAM 4MbitIC17 SN74AHC2GU04H Inverter Clock oscillation for IC14,20, and buffer (33.86MHz)IC19 SN74AHC1GU04D Inverter "HRES-" reversalIC20 CXD3008Q Digital signal processing IC Error correction for CD PLL and CD, digital serve (focus,tracking, thread) function, automatic adjustmentIC21 L88MS05T 5V AVR Power supply for IC14,20 and digital systemsIC22 HD6433062G24XI Mechanism micomIC23 BR24C04FV-W EEPROM Backup memory (coefficient and others)Q1 MCH6101 DVD APC DVD laser amount controlQ2 MCH6101 CD APC CD laser amount controlQ3 2SB1295 DVD laser high-frequency When Q5 base becomes Hi, Q3 comes ON.Q5 DTC124EUA redundancy circuit SWQ4 3LN01M DFT level conversionQ6 3LP01M Layer jump monitorQ7 DTC124EUA Layer gain SW When the base becomes Hi, comes ON and sets the gain to Lo.Q8 2SB1295 Thread movement detection circuit SW When Q9 base becomes Hi, Q8 comes ON.Q9 DTC124EUAQ10 2SC4081 Layer jump control SW For Lo kickQ11 2SA1576A Layer jump control SW For Hi kickQ12 2SC4081 When Q12 base becomes Hi, Q11 comes ON.Q13 DTC124EUA IC20 power supply SW When Q13 base becomes Hi, Q27 comes ON.Q27 CPH3105Q14 2SB1295 Disc detection circuit SW When Q15 base becomes Hi, Q14 comes ON.Q15 DTC124EUAQ16 3LP01M FDCHG inverter FDCHG logic reversalQ17 DTC124EUA HRES- inverterQ18 DTC124EUA IC7 power supply SW When base becoes Hi, comes ON. AVR functions.Q23 DTC124EUA IC9 VCC SW When Q23 base becomes Hi, Q24 comes ON. IC9 functions.Q24 2SB1295Q25 3LN01M MIRR level conversionQ26 UMC2N IFSEL SW When base becoes Hi, comes ON.DVD UNIT (X37-1010-02)Ref.No. Component name Application / Functions Operation / Conditions / Compatibility