12KVT-915DVD,925DVD,935DVDKVT-945DVD,965DVDPin No. Name I/O Description / Processing Operation54 NAVI_V O NAVI display center position control (L : Display for NAVI & illumination on, H : Except NAVI)55 VOL_DOWN I Volume down key input terminal56 VOL_UP I Volume up key input terminal57 OPEN_KEY I Monitor display open/close key input terminal58 NC - NC59 V_MUTE O Video muting (L : Muting)60 PORTVDD1 - VDD (BU5V)61 BRIGHT O Dimmer control for inverter (L : Backlight lighting off)62 M_REQ O Request for X25 microprocessor63 S_REQ I Request from X25 microprocessor64 ACC_DET I ACC detector (L : Detect to ACC voltage)65 DMIX_MUTE O Audio down mix line muting (H : Muting)66 HD I NAVI H sync. detect input terminal67 SYS_ON O On/off control for X25 unit (H : On, L : Off)68 ILL I Illumination detect signal from X25 unit69 NC - NC70 XT2 - Sub clock (32.768kHz)71 XT1 I Sub clock (32.768kHz)72 GND2 - GND73 X1 I Main clock (16.9344MHz)74 X2 - Main clock (16.9344MHz)75 RGB_SW O RGB signal selector76 DISC_DET I DISC insert detect terminal (L : Startup to disc insert for the unit)77 REMO I Remote control signal input terminal78 P_ON O Power on/off control (H : Power on)79 SYNC_SW O Sync. signal selector80 NAVI_SEL O Control for sync. separator IC81 POW7_CON O 7V AVR voltage control (H : 5V, L : 7.5V)82 POWER_DET I BU line condition detect terminal (L : Power voltage trouble)83 BU_DET I +B line reduced voltage detector (L : Correct for +B line)84 SDA I/O Panel mechanism position memory control & ROM correction control (I2C)85 NC O NC86 SCL I/O Panel mechanism position memory control & ROM correction control (I2C)87~89 MODE3~MODE1 O Setting for monitor display (Seting 3~1)90 DSP_RST O Reset for DSP IC (L : Reset)91 DSP_EN O Enable signal for DSP IC92 PORTGND1 - GND93 DSP_CLK O Clock for DSP IC94 DSP_SI I Data from DSP IC95 DSP_SO O Data for DSP IC96 BE_SREQ I Request signal from back-end microprocessor97 BE_CLK I Clock from back-end microprocessor98 BE_SDATA I Data from back-end microprocessor99 BE_MDATA O Data for back-end microprocessor100 BE_MREQ O Request signal for back-end microprocessorMICROCOMPUTER’S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONwww . xiaoyu163. comQQ 376315150 992894298TEL 13942296513 992894298051513673QQTEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299TEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299