EnglishEnglish 13KVT-935DVD (NTSC TV type)/945DVD/965DVD Basic operation12 English1 Play Disc[Disc insertion slot]A disc is played when you insert it.2 Stop to Play[7] keyStops to play.3 Play/Pause[38] keyPauses and replays a disc.4 Eject Disc[Eject] keyThe disc is ejected.5 Switch Video Sources[V.SEL] keyThe video sources are switched each time you pressthe key.Clears the video image when pressed more than onesecond. When pressed again, the original image isredisplayed.6 Switch Audio Source/Power Supply[Source] keyThe audio sources are switched each time you pressthe key.Hold down more than 1 second to turn the powersupply Off.Push it again to turn power supply On.7 Volume Controls[5]/[∞] key8 Track/Station Selectors[Up] /[Down] keySelects a music or chapter, track, or frequency.9 Band/Folder Selectors[FM]/[AM] keyPress the [FM] key to switch to the FM1/2/3 band orthe next folder/disc.Press the [AM] key to switch to the AM band or theprevious folder/disc.p Attenuator[Att] keyAttenuates the volume.Press it again to cancel muting.q Select Seek Mode[Auto] keySelects the Seek mode. (see pages 26/30 for the)w Screen Setup[SCREEN] keyDisplays the Screen Setup or Angle Setup screen. (seepage 44)e Function[FNC] keyThe video sources are switched each time you pressthe key.Switches the source that is output at the AV OUTPUTterminal when it is pressed more than 1 second.r Switch Screen Mode[MODE] keyThe screen mode is switched. (see page 17)t Small Display[Display] keySwitches to the Small Display. (see page 16)When a disc has already been loaded (when the "red"disc indicator lights), do not insert another disc into itsslot. If done, the discs may be scratched or the systemmay be damaged.The display turns on when you put the parking brake,except for the navigation system.SCREEN MODE V.SEL FNCAV OUT SELV.OFFS M V FATT AUTOAUTOAUTOAUTODISPSRCATT DISPSRC■ When the monitor is open■ When the monitor is closedDisc indicator* Optional accessory