NX-21041Order AdjusutmentitemMain LCDdisplay Sub LCD displayAw (AnalogWide)An (AnalogNarrow)Nn (NXDNNarrow)Nv (NXDNVery Narrow) Adjust itemNumberAdjustment range22 Sensitivity 2 SENS2 (RSSI measurementvalue)- 5 - - ReceiveSection 31~25623 RSSI Reference RRSSI (RSSI measurementvalue)5 5 - *1 5 ReceiveSection 41~25624 Open Squelch SQL (ASQDETmeasurement value)5 5 - *1 5 ReceiveSection 51~25625 Low RSSI LRSSI (RSSI measurementvalue)5 5 - *1 5 ReceiveSection 61~25626 High RSSI HRSSI (RSSI measurementvalue)5 5 - *1 5 ReceiveSection 71~25627 Tight Squelch SQLT (ASQDETmeasurement value)5 5 - - ReceiveSection 81~25628 Battery WarningLevel BATT (BATTmeasurement value)1 point ADJ TransmitterSection 151~256*1: Because NXDN Narrow is adjusted by adjusting Analog Narrow, it is not necessary to adjust NXDN Narrow.■ Panel tuning mode flow chartNote: In this Panel tuning mode flow chart, the Adjustment item name is modified.ADJUSTMENTLCD ContrastCNTRVolume 1 (CCW Max)VOL1Volume 2 (CW Max)VOL2LowLLow-CenterL’CenterCCenter-HighH’HighHRX AssistRASTTX AssistTASTRTCRTCHigh PowerHIPWRLow PowerLOPWRBalanceBALNXDN DeviationNDEVNarrowNarrowNarrowNarrow NXDN DeviationNDEVVeryNarrow[ ]Panel test modeFor all adjustment items, press the[ ] key to write the adjustment value.N/W/VNAdjustment ItemLCD Display5 reference levelAdjustments5 reference levelAdjustments exitAdjustment PointLCD Display5 reference levelAdjustments5 reference levelAdjustments5 reference levelAdjustments5 reference levelAdjustments[ ] hold[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press[ ] hold[ ] press5 reference levelAdjustments5 reference levelAdjustments[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][Side2]