(No.RA024)1-25• Clone frequency table5.3 Replacing TX-RX UnitTX-RX unit Information Supplied Accessories of "Service TX-RX unit" “Service TX-RX unit” DataThe following data is written on the service TX-RX unit: After Changing the PCB(1) Using the KPG-169D (NX-340) / KPG-170D (NX-340U),select your desired item (Model Name and Frequency)from the Model> Product Information menu, then useProgram> Write Data to the Transceiver to write the FPUdata (PC Programming mode). When writing to thetransceiver, a Warning Message, corresponding to theitem selected, appears. Click [OK] to continue writing thedata.(2) Enter Program> Test Mode, then adjust the various ad-justment data (PC Test Mode) as described in the “SEC-TION 4 ADJUSTMENT" .(3) Attach the new labels corresponding to the new printedcircuit board. (Refer to the images below for label place-ment.)(4) If necessary, write the FPU data used by the customerwith the KPG-169D (NX-340) / KPG-170D (NX-340U).Note:• When a new printed circuit board is used, the KENWOODESN changes, as does the Transceiver Information dis-play of the KPG-169D (NX-340) / KPG-170D (NX-340U),but this does not have any effect on the operation of thetransceiver.• If changing to the original ESN, please contact our servicecenter. Model Name Plate Label LayoutNo. Operating frequency450~520 (MHz)1 450.0002 452.0003 454.0004 456.0005 458.0006 460.0007 462.0008 464.0009 466.00010 469.00011 470.00012 472.00013 474.00014 476.00015 478.00016 480.50017 482.00018 484.00019 486.00020 488.000Model Name Original TX-RX unitNumberFor Service TX-RXunit NumberNX-340 K X57-8510-10 XC2-0100-10NX-340 M X57-8510-10 XC2-0100-21NX-340U K X57-8510-10 XC2-0100-11Item (Including Parts Number) QuantityTX-RX Unit (XC2-010) 1Model Name Plate 1Data Type DescriptionFirmware NX-240/340 FirmwareFPU Data(PC programming mode)XC2-010 (NX-340/340U) K type data.XC2-010 (NX-340) M type data.KENWOOD ESN Model name: NX-340 or NX-340UType: K, MThe same number as the ModelName Plate label is written.NXDN ESN The same number as the ModelName Plate label is written.KENWOOD ESNNXDN ESNModel Name Plate Label