RXD-402/452/502/552/572S/A41/A5113ADJUSTMENTrrrrrITEMDemagnetizationand cleaningAzimuth of theREC/PLAY headTAPESPEED(NORMAL)PLAYBACKLEVELBIAS CURRENTINPUTSETTING\TCC-153MTT-11410kHz, - 10dBTCC-110MTT-111SCC-17273kHz(A)Adjust the AGfor the output ofthe DECK tobecome1kHz(-30dBs)/10kHz(-30dBs).MTT-256U,TCC-160315Hz, 0dBAdjust the playbackoutput to -6.0dBsOUTPUTSETTING\iB jiB jiB jiB jDECKSETTINGDemagnetization:POWER OFFCleaning: PLAYPLAYPLAYPLAYAdjust the REC VRlevel so that the lineout is -2.6dBs at1kHz, and recordand playback1kHz/10kHz alter-nately.ALIGNMENTPOINTRecordinghead, erasehead,capstanpinch rollerFWD RVSA/B DECKVR 5A DECKVR 1 (L)VR 2 (R)B DECKVR 7 (L)VR 8 (R)VR 3 (L)VR 4 (R)ALIGN FORDemagnetize theREC / PLAY headwith the head eras-er.Clean the REC /PLAY head, erasehead,capstan andpinch roller using acotton swab slightlydamped with alcohol.Adjust the output tomaximum and adjustthe azimuth adjust-ment screw for theLissajours waveformpattern of the oscillo-scope to becomeclose to a 45°straight line.Adjust the tapespeed so that 3kHzis obtained at thecenter of the tape.Record 1kHz and10kHz alternately,and adjust the biascurrent adjustmentpotentiometer for theplayback levels tobecome the same.FIG.less otherwise specified, set the respective switches as follows: 0dBs=0.775VTAPE : NORMAL DOLBY : OFF PLAY OUT : Lch (X28,CN6 @pin), Rch (X28,CN6 Cpin)Cassette mechanism unit (Adjustment of the REC / PLAY head)PC BOARD ADJUSTMENTPC BOARD ADJUSTMENTsette Deck adjustment{(A) (B)X28, CN6L INL OUTR OUTR INGND15AC voltmeter AG Oscilloscope AC voltmeterFrequency counter