19STA CON 9696 BCONBCONDUP975When a duplicate message from the same station isreceived, an error beep sounds. In addition, “dM”(indicator) and a call sign appear on the display.• When a message to other stations is received, “oM”appears as an indicator.• When a new message not addressed to only you is receivedwith “ONE LINE” selected in Menu 2–G {page 17}, “nM”appears as an indicator.This transceiver beeps each time it receives any type ofAPRS packet. You may access Menu 2–F (BEEP) tochange this setting. The default is “ALL”.Note:uWhen you receive a message that you transmitted, the frequencydisplay is not interrupted. “MY MESSAGE” will appear at the bottomof the display. This could happen when one or more digipeaters{page 13} are used.uThis transceiver allows you to receive a message also when the SSIDdoes not match. However, it will not return an acknowledgment.uWhen a message addressed to you is received, the transceiverdisplay and keypad are illuminated. If you do not press any key inapproximately 5 seconds, the light goes off.STA CON 9696 BCONBCONDUP975RECEIVING A MESSAGEEach time a proper message is received, the frequencydisplay is interrupted to show information as below:• The display shows only the first 24 characters of the message.• The transceiver restores the frequency display afterapproximately 10 seconds pass or when you press any key.• “ ” appears and stays at the bottom left of the display untilyou use the List function {page 20}.The following indicators appear depending on types ofreceived messages:1 # designates an ASCII character used for indicating thesequence of message (or bulletin) packets; ex. 0 to 9.2 1 to 6 designates a group identification number {page 23}.IndicatorsnoitceleS tekcaPweN etacilpuDtekcaP tekcaPdilavnIFFO peeboN peeboN peeboNENIM egassemagniviecernehwylnospeeB.uoyotdesserddaWENLLA peeB peeboN peeboNLLA peeB peeB peeB# 1 uoyotdesserddaegasseM6~1G 2 }32egap{puorgruoyotdesserddaegasseM#B 1 nitelluB! ecivreSrehtaeWlanoitaNehtybtropeRegassemruoyottnemgdelwonkcASTSTA CONCON 9696 BCONBCONDUP975