25FleetSync OPERATIONFleetSync is a protocol owned by KENWOOD Corporationand is enabled or disabled by your dealer. This functionopens the squelch only when the transceiver receives theFleet code and ID code programmed in your transceiver.Calls that do not contain the correct codes will not be heard.■ ReceivingWhen you receive a signal containing both your Fleet codeand your ID code, squelch opens and you will hear thecall.• An alert tone will sound.• The LED indicator flashes orange.• To mute the speaker after squelch opens, press thekey programmed as Monitor or Monitor Momentary.■ TransmittingTo transmit a FleetSync signal, simply press the PTTswitch and make the call. If the selected channel hasbeen programmed with a FleetSync PTT ID, it will betransmitted when the call is made.BEGINNING / END OF T RANSMISSION SIGNALThe Beginning of Transmission and End of Transmissionidentification signals are used to access and release somerepeaters and telephone systems.If Beginning of Transmission is set, the ID signal is transmittedwhen you press the PTT switch.If End of Transmission is set, the ID signal is transmitted whenyou release the PTT switch.If both are set, the ID signal is transmitted when you pressand release the PTT switch.