2OPTIONAL SIGNALINGYour dealer may also program several types of optionalsignaling for your transceiver channels.■ 5-tone Signaling:This function opens the squelch only when the transceiverreceives the 5 tones programmed in your transceiver, insuccession. Transceivers that do not transmit the correcttones will not be heard.■ DTMF Signaling:This function opens the squelch only when the transceiverreceives the DTMF code (3 to 0 digits) programmed in yourtransceiver. Each transceiver is normally programmed witha unique code. You will not hear calls from transceivers thatare not programmed with a matching code.■ FleetSync Signaling:FleetSync is a protocol owned by Kenwood Corporation.This function opens the squelch only when the transceiverreceives the Fleet code and ID code programmed in yourtransceiver. Calls that do not contain the correct codes willnot be heard.BEGINNING/ END OF TRANSMISSION SIGNALThe Beginning/ End of Transmission identification signals areused to access some repeaters and telephone systems. TheBeginning of Transmission ID signal is transmitted when youpress the PTT switch and the End of Transmission ID signal istransmitted when you release the PTT switch.