13CHANNEL OPERATING FREQUENCIESTo change the operating frequency of a channel:1 With the transceiver power OFF, press and hold the PTTswitch and Side 1 key while turning the transceiver powerON.• Continue to hold the PTT switch and Side 1 key until the LEDlights orange and the transceiver announces “Self”.2 Release the PTT switch and Side 1 key.• The transceiver announces “Channel”.• Pressing the Side 1 key or Side 2 key will toggle between QT,DQT, and Channel setup.3 Press and release the PTT switch, then rotate the Channelselector to your desired channel.• Upon pressing and releasing the PTT switch, a beep will soundand the transceiver announces “Table zero”.4 Press the Side 1 or Side 2 key to increment/ decrement theTable number, to select the new channel frequency.• Press and hold the Side 1 or Side 2 key to increment/decrement the number by 5 at a time.• Table numbers and their corresponding operating frequenciesare provided in the table on page 14.• A voice announcement will inform you of the currently selectedTable number.5 Press the PTT switch to save the setting.• A beep will sound.• Repeat steps 3 to 5 to set up another channel.6 Turn the transceiver power OFF and then ON again toactivate the new settings.Note: The transceiver will automatically return to normal operationif no action is performed for 20 seconds.