TK-28014n Copy from TX/RX AddressYou can select to copy the digit to the memory when youchange the channel, using [Selector] key.The memory represents the code that is displayed by thekeypad.Or Key Buffer, “^K1 ... ^K8” used by Encode Format.Receive Digit in “RX Address” is copied when the channelis changed. Selcall/Status Digit in “TX Address” is copied whenthe channel is changed.n Encode CodeWhen “Special Setting” is disabled, you can select theEncode Code to transmit when [Call 1-6] key is pressed.You can select up to 3 codes to transmit 3-frame 5tonecode. The Encode Code is transmitted from left to right digit.24 different Encode Codes are available.When “Special Setting” is enabled, you can select theEncode Format setting from #1 to #32.You can select the Encode Format name, configured inEncode Format menu.n Decode CodeWhen “Special Setting” is disabled, you can select theDecode Code setting from #1 to #8.The transceiver tries to decode the selected Decode Codesetting (maximum 8 different settings) at the same time. Whenthe code matches in “5tone Code” menu, the transceiveroperates as programmed in “Decode Code” menu.When “Special Setting” is enabled, you can select theDecode Format setting from #1 to #32.You can select the Decode Format name, configured inDecode Format menu.You can program the 5-tone code you want to receive foreach channel. At the same time, you can be on stand-by for aSingle tone.If the 5-tone code set in your transceiver matches a receivedcode, Monitor is activated and a beep sounds. You can displaythe received 5-tone code on the LCD screen and transmit anacknowledgement to the Base station. Furthermore, you canactivate the Horn Alert, Transfer, stun, and kill features.n Selcall/Status ListYou can program Selcall or Status Message when you selectthe party from the List to make a 5tone selective call. Or youwant to display Selcall(Status) Code or Message when youreceive the call.Maximum 8-digit can be programmed for the Code and 100different Selcalls or Status are available for Selcall/Status List.You can assign 16 alphanumeric characters to eachmessage.n Programmable Alert ToneYou can program the alert type from type 1 to type 8, whenthe expected 5-tone is received.You can program the number of times to repeat outputtingand frequency and duration for the Alert Tone.When you select “Special Setting”, you can further configurethe beep tone type from No. 1 to No. 47, using the Encode/Decode format.n Encode/Decode FormatYou can use Encode/Decode Format script function wheny o u s e l e c t “ F e a t u r e L e v e l ” = F U L L a n d “ S p e c i a lSetting”=Enabled.In order to write the Encode/Decode Format script, you needthe technical knowledge of 5tone signalling functions. Ofcourse, you can write the script to perform all the functionsthat you can do with “Feature Level”=BASIC and FULL and“Special Setting”=Disabled. (Menu driven method)In addition, you can write the original script to control variousfunctions and signalling timing.Refer to each function of Encode/Decode Format Code fordetails. Sample scripts are also available in the KPG-60D.You can create 32 different types of Encode/DecodeFormats. You can assign a name up to 12 characters for eachEncode/Decode Format.8. Audible User Feedback TonesThe transceiver outputs various combinations of tones tonotify the user of the transceiver operating state. The maintones are listed below.n Power on toneThis tone is output when the transceiver is turned on. (Thehigh tone is output for 500ms.)n Alert toneThis tone is output when the transceiver is TX inhibition forTOT, battery warning and PLL unlocked. It is output until thePTT button is released.n Group call toneSounds when a group call with the correct DTMF/2-toneoption signalling is received.n DMS signalling alert toneSounds when an individual call with the correct DMSsignalling is received.n Individual call toneSounds when an individual call with the correct DTMF/2-tone option signalling is received.OPERATING FEATURES