Kenwood TK-701S Service Manual
TK-701S1. POWER-UPTo turn on the radio, rotate the OFF-VOLUME controlclockwise until a click is heard. The channel lamp indica-tor will illuminate to indicate power is ON.2. TO RECEIVEOperation Procedure1. Disable QT(if so equipped}Remove microphone from its hanger.2. Unsqueich radio Turn SQUELCH control counterclock-wise until noise is heard.3. Set VOLUME control Adjust VOLUME control for a normallistening level.4. Set SQUELCH control Advance SQUELCH control clockwiseuntil noise just stops.5. Select operating fre-quency. (Multichannelmodels only)Rotate CH selector switch to desiredchannel.The radio will now receive all traffic on the selected channel.6. Enable QT(if so equipped)Insert microphone back into its hanger toactivate KQT-1 or -2.You will now hear messages for your system only.3. TO TRANSMITOperation Procedure1. Disable QT(if so equipped)Depress MONITOR button ON..- OreRemove microphone from hanger.2. Select operating fre-quency.(Multichannel modelsonty)3. LISTEN DO NOT TRANSMIT if channel is in use.4. Key transmitter Press and hold the microphone PTTswitch. The Red LED on the front panelwill glow indicating the transmitter isON.5. Transmit message Hold microphone at about 2 inches dis-tance and speak at a normal voice level.Keep transmissions brief.6. Receive reply Release the microphone PTT switch.7. Enable QT at end ofthe conversation.(if QT equipped)Depress MONITOR to the out position.andReplace the microphone into its hanger.PRE-INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS1. UNPACKINGUnpack the radio from its shipping container andcheck for accessory items. If any item is missing, pleasecontact TRIO-KENWOOD immediately.2. LICENSING REQUIREMENTSFederal regulations require a station license for eachradio installation (mobile or base} be obtained by theequipment owner. The licensee is responsible for ensuringtransmitter power, frequency, and deviation are within thelimits permitted by the station license.Transmitter adjustments may be performed only by alicensed technician holding an FCC first, second or generalclass commercial radiotelephone operator's license. Thereis No license required to install or operate the radio.3. PREINSTALLATION CHECKOUT3-1. IntroductionEach radio is adjusted and tested before shipment.However, it is recommended that receiver and transmitteroperation be checked for proper operation before installa-tion.3-2. TestingThe radio should be tested complete with all cablingand accessories as they will be connected in the finalinstallation. Transmitter frequency, deviation, and poweroutput should be checked, as should receiver sensitivity,squelch operation, and audio output. QT equipment opera-tion should be verified.4. PLANNING THE INSTALLATION4-1. GeneralInspect the vehicle and determine how and where theradio antenna and accessories will be mounted.Plan cable runs for protection against pinching orcrushing wiring, and radio installation to prevent overheat-ing.4-2. AntennaThe favored location for an antenna is in thecenterof a large, flat conductive area, usually at the roof tenter.The trunk lid may also provide a good antenna locaion. Ifthe trunk lid is prefered, bond the trunk lid and vehiclechassis using ground straps to ensure the lid is at thaassisground. ; |
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