TK-710811OPERATING FEATURES / ! !"# !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 nqLanq !"#$%&'()*+,-./01fa aqjcnqLanqaqjc !"#$%&'()*+,-./01fa ! nqLanq= !" ! ou !"nqLanq aqjc Haqjc Haqjc Haqjc nqLanq HnqLanq HnqLanq HnqLanqHaqjc Haqjc nqLanqHaqjc HnqLanq HnqLanqHaqjc Haqjc nqLan= !"#nqLanqnqLanqHaqjc aqjc !"#$%HaqjcnqLanqHaqjc !" !"#$%& !"#'()*+,-. !"#/0 !"#$%&'( !"#)*+,-./ !"#$%&'()*+,-./012"#$3 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123401L !"#$%&'()"#*+,-./*+&0%"# !"#$%&'()*+,-./0*■ SP UnmuteYou can select the type of SP Unmute system for eachchannel. The selection is as follows.Carrier, QT/DQT:Channel with this option will not check ID Code in order toopen its speaker.Carrier+DTMF, QT/DQT+DTMF:Channel that is set with this option will have to check forID Code in order to open its speaker.Default:Carrier, QT/DQT.SP unmute Channel setting RX condition SpeakerQT/DQT DTMF conditionCarrier None None Carrier SoundsYes Carrier SoundsCarrier+DTMF SoundsCarrier+DTMF None Yes Carrier Not SoundsCarrier+DTMF SoundsQT/DQT Yes None Carrier Not SoundsCarrier+QT/DQT SoundsYes Carrier Not SoundsCarrier+QT/DQT SoundsCarrier+QT/DQT+DTMF SoundsCarrier+DTMF Not SoundsQT/DQT+DTMF Yes Yes Carrier Not SoundsCarrier+QT/DQT Not SoundsCarrier+QT/DQT+DTMF SoundsCarrier+DTMF Not SoundsNote :When QT/DQT is not used, QT/DQT and QT/DQT+DTMFcan not be selected.When DTMF is not used, Carrier+DTMF and QT/DQT+DTMF can not be selected.■ Auto ResetIf option signalling matches a group set up with option sig-nalling, option signalling is released. After matching optionsignalling, option signalling will temporarily reset automati-cally.■ StunIf the stun code matches, a predetermined action will oc-cur. Whether option signalling is activated or not, when stunmatches on any channel, the transceiver will become TX in-hibited or TX/RX inhibited. While stun is active, if the stuncode + “#” code is received, stun will deactivate.When stun matches, transpond will function. Alert willnot be output.