11TK-780 “TOT” pre-alertThe transceiver has “TOT” pre-alert timer. This param-eter selects the time at which the transceiver generates“TOT” pre-alert tone before “TOT” is expired.“TOT” will be expired when the selected time passesfrom a TOT pre-alert tone. “TOT” re-key timeThe transceiver has “TOT” re-key timer. This timer is thetime you can not transmit after “TOT” exceeded. After“TOT” re-key time expired you can transmit again. “TOT” reset timeThe transceiver has “TOT” reset timer. This timer is theminimum wait time allowed during a transmission that willreset the “TOT” count.“TOT” reset time causes the “TOT” to continue evenafter PTT is released unless the “TOT” reset timer has ex-pired. OST (Operator Selectable Tone)The transceiver is capable to have “OST” function and 16tone pair (QT/DQT) with max 10-digit name for each tonepair.• “OST” back upThe transceiver is programmable the selected “OST”code is memorized or not. If you set to Disable (no memo-rized), the “OST” function always starts at “off”. Clear to transpondThe transceiver waits the transpond of 5-tone/2-tone /DTMF if channel is busy until channel open. This featureprevents the interference to other party.5. Option Signalling (DTMF/2-Tone)Built-in DTMF decoder is available for option signalling.Built-in 2-tone decoder is available for option signalling.It is possible to use individual call, group call, stun, kill.Stun and kill are used with DTMF only.If the option signalling matches, a predetermined actionwill occur.If option signalling matches on a group/channel which isset up with option signalling, the option signalling indicator( *) will flash and option signalling will be released. Thetranspond or alert tone will sound.If the selective call alert LED is set up, the orange LEDwill flash.While option signalling matches (or if option signalling isdeactivated when you are transmitting), you can mute orunmute ID/QT/DQT/Carrier.OPERATING FEATURES AND/OROption signalling match conditions can be selected withAND/OR logic.Alert/TranspondAND Triggers at match with QT/DQT/ID+DTMF (2-tone); BothOR Triggers only for match with DTMF (2-tone); OptionAF mute openAND Triggers at match with QT/DQT/ID+DTMF (2-tone); BothOR Triggers only for match with QT/DQT/ID; SignallingEven if set for OR, AF mute cannot be canceled just by amatch with DTMF.In channels not set with QT/DQT, signalling is a matchjust by rceiving the carrier. Auto ResetIf option signalling matches a group set up with optionsignalling, option signalling is released. After matching op-tion signalling, option signalling will temporarily reset auto-matically. Stun/KillIf the stun code matches, a predetermined action willoccur. Whether option signalling is activated or not, whenstun code matches on any channel, the transceiver will be-come stun or kill.While stun is active (“LOCK2” appears), if the stun code+ “#” code is received, stun will disactive. While kill is ac-tive (“ERROR” appears), the transceiver will be disable allfunctions. The transceiver must be reprogrammed by theFPU (KPG-60D) to operation again.6. Alphanumeric Two-way Paging Function(Digital Message System : DMS) GeneralThe Alphanumeric Two-way Paging Function (DMS) is aKenwood proprietary protocol. It enables a variety of pagingfunctions. ID ConstructionA radio unit ID is defined by a combination of 3-digit Fleetand 4-digit ID numbers. Each radio unit must be assignedits own Fleet and ID numbers. PTT IDA pre-programmed unique ID can be sent at the begin-ning of transmission and/or the end of transmission to iden-tify which radio unit is on air.