TK-810237TERMINAL FUNCTIONCN2No. Name I/O Function1 SB O Battery voltage DC supply2 NC - -3 GND O Ground4 DETO2 O FM detector output5 FNC1 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)6 FNC2 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)7 FNC3 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)8 FNC4 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)9 FNC5 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)10 FNC6 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)11 FNC7 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)12 FNC8 I/O Programable I/O (programmed by FPU)■ Function Port AssignmentKDS100, KGP-2A/2BName I/OFNC1 - -FNC2 - -FNC3 Data Channel IFNC4 PTT IFNC5 Carrier Operated Relay OFNC6 Audio Mute IFNC7 Mic Mute IFNC8 TX Relay OSmarTrunk IIName I/OFNC1 TXD OFNC2 RXD IFNC3 Reset OFNC4 - -FNC5 - -FNC6 - -FNC7 - -FNC8 - -ScramblerName I/OFNC1 - -FNC2 - -FNC3 TX Relay OFNC4 Scrambler OFNC5 Scrambler Code1 (1) OFNC6 Scrambler Code2 (2) OFNC7 Scrambler Code3 (4) OFNC8 Scrambler Code4 (8) OPort Function is Low Active. (Exclude : Scrambler Code)CN3No. Name I/O Function1 IGN I Ignition sens input2 DATAI I External transmit signal input3 DETO O FM detector output4 TXAFI I TX audio input from scrambler board5 TXAFO O TX audio output to scrambler board6 EMGMIC I Emergency MIC input (1kHz/1.2mVrms)7 RXAFO O RX audio output to scrambler board8 ALTI I External alert tone signal input9 RXAFI I RX audio input from scrambler board10 5C O 5V DC power supply (50mA MAX)11 8C O 8V DC power supply (50mA MAX)CN1No. Name I/O Function1 DI Data2 CL Clock3 CE Chip enable4 5C 5V5 SB Switched B6 KMO2 O Key matrix output 27 KMI4 I Key matrix input 48 KMO1 O Key matrix output 19 KMI3 I Key matrix input 310 KMI1 I Key matrix input 111 CM MIC data detection12 KMI2 I Key matrix input 213 HOOK Hook detection/RXD14 ME MIC ground15 POWER Power switch16 MIC I MIC signal input17 PTT PTT/TXD18 GND Ground