6SCANScan monitors for signals on the transceiver channels. While scanning, thetransceiver checks for a signal on each channel and only stops if a signal ispresent.To start/stop scanning, press the key programmed as Scan On/Off.• “Sc” appears on the display during Scan.• When a signal is detected, Scan pauses at that channel. The transceiver will remain onthe busy channel until the signal is no longer present, at which time Scan resumes.Note: To use Scan, there must be at least 2 channels added to the scanning sequence.priority ScAnIf a Priority channel has been programmed, the transceiver will automaticallychange to the Priority channel when a call is received on that channel, even if callis being received on a normal channel.• “P” appears on the display during Priority Scan.temporAry chAnnel lockoutDuring scan, you can temporarily remove specific channels from the scanningsequence by pressing the key programmed as Scan Delete/Add while Scan ispaused at the undesired channel. To temporarily remove a zone, press and holdScan Delete/Add while Scan is paused at a channel in the undesired zone.• The channel/zone is no longer scanned. However, when scanning is ended andrestarted, the Scan settings return to normal.ScAn delete/AddYou can add and remove zones and/or channels to and from your scan list.1 Select your desired zone and/or channel.2 Press the key programmed as Scan Delete/Add to remove a channel or pressand hold the key for approximately second to remove a zone.ScAn reVertThe Scan Revert channel is the channel selected when you press the PTT switchto transmit during scan. Your dealer can program one of the following types ofScan Revert channels:• Selected: The last channel selected before scan.• Selected + Talkback: Same as “Selected”, plus you can respond to calls on thechannel at which scan is paused.• Priority: The Priority channel.• Priority + Talkback: Same as “Priority”, plus you can respond to calls on the channelat which scan is paused.• Last Called + Selected: The last channel on which you receive a call.