10TK-880 Com port• Com 0This function selects the external serila port function atthe microphone jack (TXD/RXD). PC programming is ac-cepted, regardless of this setting.• Com 1This function selects the external COM1 pin serial portfunction on the KCT-19 accessory jack. If the transceiver isinstalled GPS unit, this function must be set up in "GPS".• Com 2This function selects the external COM2 pin serial portfunction on the KCT-19 accessory (RXD2 (AHK)/TXD2 (PTT))and the external serial port function (TXD2/RXD2).4. Details of Features Time-out timerThe time-out timer can be programmed off or in 30 sec-onds increments from 30 seconds to five minutes. If thetransmitter is keyed continuously for longer than the pro-grammed time, the transmitter is disabled and a warningtone sounds while the PTT button is held down. The alerttone stops when the PTT button is released. Sub LCD displayYou can use 3-digit the display to display the channelnumber or group number. It is useful when the main (12-digit) display indicates group or channel name or other func-tions. Selective call alert LEDYou can select whether or not the LED on the transceiverflashes in an orange color when selective call was occurred. PTT IDPTT ID provides a DTMF or FFSK (DMS : Fleet-ID) ANI tobe sent with every time PTT (beginning of transmission, endof transmission, or both).You can program PTT ID "on" or "off" for each channel.The contents of ID are programmed for each transceiver.The timing that the transceiver sends ID is program-mable.BOT : DTMF ID (BOT)/FFSK ID is sent on beginning oftransmission.EOT : DTMF ID (EOT)/FFSK ID is sent on end of transmis-sion.Both : DTMF ID (BOT)/FFSK ID is sent on beginning oftransmission and DTMF ID (EOT)/FFSK ID is sent on endof transmission. Radio passwordWhen the password is set in the transceiver, user can notuse the transceiver unless enter the correct password.This code can be up to 6 digits from 0 to 9 and input withthe key, and [CALL] key. Off hook decodeIf the Off hook decode function has been enabled, re-moving and replacing the microphone on the hook has noeffect for decoding QT/DQT and option signalling. Timed power offThis function works as "Automatic Power Switch Off".Timed power off timer starts from the ignition-off. Afterthe timer expires, the radio will automatically turn off. Thetimer will be reset if the ignition is turned on and off.This function requires ignition-sense. Connect the igni-tion-line to the 9-pin connector which is located at the rear ofthe radio.After the timer expires, press the power switch to turnon the radio.If you configured the 5-tone model, the transceiver ex-ecutes the encode script defined in KPG-60D. After the en-code script is finished, the transceiver turns off itself. Horn alertIf you are called from the base station using 2-tone/DTMFwhile you are away from your transceiver, you will bealerted by the vehicle horn or some other type of externalalert. To turn horn alert function on, press the [Horn Alert]key.Either continuous or non-continuous operation can be setby the FPU. The horn alert port is enabled or disabled asfollows;Off hook horn alert Hook off Hook onEnable Yes YesDisable No Yes• Non-continuous (Pulse)The horn alert port, HOR, is turned on and off as follows;• ContinuousHorn alert can be reset by setting an expiration time fromthe FPU or setting off hook.OPERATING FEATURES0.5s 0.5s 0.5s 0.5s 0.5sHOR