9TK-8856. Firmware Programming Mode6-1. PrefaceFlash memory is mounted on the TK-885. This allows theTK-885 to be upgraded when new features are released inthe future. (For details on how to obtain the firmware, con-tact Customer Service.)6-2. Connection ProcedureConnect the TK-885 to the personal computer (IBM PC orcompatible) with the interface cable (KPG-46). (Connectionis the same as in the PC Mode.)6-3. Programming1. Start up the programming software (Fpro. exe).2. Set the communications speed (normally, 57600 bps) andcommunications port in the configuration item.3. Set the firmware to be updated by File name item.4. Turn the TK-885 Power ON with the [A] switch held down.Hold the switch down until the display changes to “PROG57600”. When “PROG 57600” appears, release your fin-ger from the switch.5. Check the connection between the TK-885 and the per-sonal computer, and make sure that the TK-885 is in theProgram mode.6. Press write button in the window. A window opens onthe display to indicate progress of writing. When the TK-885 starts to receive data, the icon is blinking.7. If writing ends successfully, the LED on the TK-885 lightsand the checksum is displayed.8. If you want to continue programming other TK-885, re-peat steps 4 to 7.Notes : This mode cannot be entered if the Firmware program-ming mode is set to Disable in the Programming software(KPG-62D CPS). When programming the firmware, it is recommend to copythe data from the floppy disk to your hard disk before up-date the radio firmware.Directly copying from the floppy disk to the radio may notwork because the access speed is too slow.6-4. Function1. If you press the [] switch while “PROG 57600” is dis-played, the version is displayed. If you press the [] switchagain while the version is displayed, “PROG 57600” isredisplayed.2. If you press the [D ] switch while “PROG 57600” is dis-played, the display changes to “PROG 19200” to indicatethat the write speed is low speed (19200 bps). If you pressthe [D ] switch again while “PROG 19200” is displayed,the display changes to “PROG 38400”, and the write speedbecomes the middle speed (38400 bps). If you press the[D ] switch again while “PROG 38400” is displayed, thedisplay returns to “PROG 57600”.3. If you press the [D ] switch while the version is displayed,the checksum is displayed. If you press the [D ] switchagain while the checksum is displayed, the version isredisplayed.Note :Normally, write in the high-speed mode.REALIGNMENT /