Kenwood TS-520S Hybrid Transceiver Tune-Up Cheat SheetFor the Radio Amateur Amateur**Copyright Trio-Kenwood Corp.| All rights reserved.Location Control PositionFRONT PANEL CONTROLSREAR PANEL CONTROLSBAND SwitchPOWER SwitchH. SW SwitchStand-by SwitchMODE SwitchVOX SwitchMIC Ctl.CAR Ctl.METER SwitchPLATE Ctl.DRIVE Ctl.FUNCTION SwitchRIT SwitchSG SwitchEXT VFO ConnectorDesired bandONONREC (RECEIVE)USB or LSB depending on bandMANFULLY Counter-clockwiseCenteredIP (plate current)Middle of the range for bandCenteredVFOOFFUP (ON)Jumper plug inserted (seemanual)I. PRE-TUNE UP1. Connect to 50 Ohm dummy load, or 50 Ohm antenna w/ SWR of less than 2:1.2. Set controls to the Initial Switch Settings for Transmission (see above table)3. Tune knob to desired operating frequency.II. PLATE IDLING CURRENT1. Flip SEND and check that plate current is 60 ma (milli-amperes). If not, adjust via BIAScontrols on the side panel. Switch back to REC.1. NOTE: If it is way more than 60 ma, DO NOT leave the SEND switch on. It willshorten the life of the final tubes.III. DRIVE TUNING1. Shift METER to ALC and MODE to TUN. Flip to SEND and peak (maximum meterdeflection) the ALC with the DRIVE CONTROL. Flip back to REC.1. NOTE: If there is no ALC reading indicated, increase the CAR control until there is areading.IV. PLATE TUNING (READ BEFORE DOING)1. Shift METER to IP, leave MODE at TUN and flip SEND.2. QUICKLY adjust the PLATE control to dip the plate current (a minimum meter reading).Flip back to REC.1. NOTE: With the radio in the TUN mode, most of the screen voltage is reduced by asmuch as 50% and the keying circuit is shorted.V. PLATE AND LOAD TUNING (CAUTION: REALLY READ BEFORE DOING)