123456789101112131415164912 OPERATOR CONVENIENCESConsult the following table to select a function.Selecting OFF assigns no function to the button.1 Press [MENU].2 Press [A/B] to select Menu A or Menu B.3 Turn the MULTI/CH control to select Menu No. 41,42, 43, 44, or 45.4 Press [UP], [DOWN], Mic [UP], or Mic [DWN] toselect a function number.• Consult the above table to select a function.5 Press [MENU] to exit Menu mode.The default values are as follows:• Front panel [PF]: Voice 1• Mic [PF1]: [A/B] • Mic [PF2]: [SPLIT]• Mic [PF3]: [M/V] • Mic [PF4]: MonitorNote:uFull Reset returns the functions of the PF buttons to defaultsettings.uFunction No. 84 accessible in step 4 is not currently available.Pressing the PF button with Function No. 84 assigned willsimply cause the transceiver to display a string of error codes.BEEP FUNCTIONThe purpose of the Beep function is to provide an audiblesignal that conveys information. There are three types ofsignals:• To confirm that a button has been pressed.• To report an error condition; Morse codes are used forsome errors.• To confirm that the selection was completed bypressing [MIC], [PWR], [KEY], [DELAY], or [FILTER]again.When selecting an operating mode, a Morse codeabbreviation for that mode is heard.You can change the volume of the beep output via MenuNo. 01.DISPLAY DIMMERThe Display illumination can be switched between 5 levelsvia Menu No. 00.PROGRAM FUNCTION BUTTONThe transceiver allows you to customize the function of thefront panel [PF] button. When using the optional MC-47microphone, you can also customize the functions of theMic [PF1], [PF2], [PF3], and [PF4] buttons. You canassign the following types of functions to these buttons viaMenu No. 41 to 45:• Directly select Menu No. 00 to 40, 48 to 51. No need topress [MENU] and turn the MULTI/CH control.• Activate a function that is supported by no other frontpanel buttons.• Activate the same function as one of the front panelbuttons.LSBUSBCWCW –RFSKFSK –RAMFM· – · · (L)· · – (U)– · – · (C)– · – · · – · (CR)· – · (R)· – · · – · (RR)· – (A)· · – · (F)Morse Code OutputMode6768697071727374757600 to 4080 to 83FunctionNumber FunctionFunctionNumber Function[SCAN][M>VFO][M.IN][CW TUNE][CH 1][CH 2][CH 3][FINE][F. LOCK][CLR]Selects MenuNo. 00 to 40.See “MENUCONFIGURATION ”.505152536061626364MonitorVoice 1Voice 2DSP FilterMonitorQUICKMEMO [MR]QUICKMEMO [M.IN][SPLIT][TF-SET][A/B]65 [M/V]66 [A=B] OFF99SelectsMenu No.48 to 51.Ex: 82selectsMenu No.50.