111.4 Meter Calibration1.4.1 Reading Peak PowerDepressing the front panel PEAK button will activate the active peak power circuitry andthe meter will display PEP and exhibit fast attack and approximately 1.5 second delay time.The displayed PEP will be approximately 95-100% of the SSB signal PEP, but may varydepending upon the tonal and inflection characteristics of the user’s voice (displayed powermay be greater). If the PEAK/HOLD button is depressed, the maximum PEP measuredwill be “held” on the meter display for approximately two seconds. This feature is providedto make it easier to observe the actual peak output power.For CW signals, the peak power is synonymous with average power. Therefore, a trans-mitter’s single tone (CW) signal should yield the same displayed power level regardless ofwhether the meter is set to display the average or peak power (switch selection set to AVGor PEAK, respectively).Note: The style/size/shape of the trim potentiometers have changed considerably over thevarious production runs of Peak-Hold PCB. However, their respective locations remainedunchanged. These procedures are consistent for all generations of Peak-Hold PCB.Note: The LAMP button controls the meter illumination and must be On in order to readpeak power.Note: The PEAK/AVG switch must be depressed in order for the PEAK/HOLD featureto function properly.1.4.2 Forward Power CalibrationThe following steps must be carried out in order to ensure correct display of Forward andReflected RF power.1. Connect the AT-AUTO(tm) coaxial output to a 50 Ω dummy load.2. Connect a calibrated Wattmeter of known accuracy between the input of the AT-AUTO(tm) and the output of the HF Radio/Linear Amplifier.3. De-select the PEAK/HOLD feature.4. Turn On the meter LAMP (to supply DC power to the meter circuitry) and ensurethe meter lamp is illuminated.5. Set the AT-AUTO(tm) to Manual mode.6. Set the HF radio frequency to 14.250 MHz, and generate a 100 W CW carrier.www.KesslerEngineeringLLC.com