…touch the difference10. Type the shown in the menupass key with the Bluetoothkeyboard and confirm28withe„Finish“. TheWhen writing wyellow LED willcomputer.3. Software and usageMicrosoft Windo s b OSInstallationConnect your mobil dev y r desktop computer usingthe USB port.On your desktop:• Insert the dri• Locate the “Mobile“windowsmobil (Blueto put driver) CAB file.• Open ActiveSy y op and Click Explore• Copy the CAB ydragging andDocuments folderOn your Window vi :• Go to Start > Progra xplorer > My Documents• Run the window bile.cab file (tap on it)• The Bluetooth keyboard driver now will be installed on yourdevice. At the end of the installation, the setup will requireto reset.„Enter“. After that, finish thBluetooth wizardcorresponding to the query.Finish the Bluetooth assistant with a final click onBluetooth keyboard is now ready for use and functional.Sometimes you have to wait a while, until pairing is finished.ith the keyboard or using the touchpad the first,to show the Bluetooth transmission to theinstallationw Mo ilee ice to ouver CD and open the CD from “My computer”.” folder and inside thee.cab” oth innc on our desktfile to your mobile device. You can do this bdropping the file from the desktop folder to Myon your device.s Mobile de cems > File Esmo