52 Keysight 34921A-34925A User’s GuideOvervoltage ProtectionThis module also features high voltage detection (< 100 V) and current limitingcircuitry to protect the FET relays. This circuitry senses current flows from inputovervoltages. These overvoltages may come from either the MUX input or fromthe Analog Buses. In addition, each channel is also protected from inputovervoltages with a resistor.When overvoltage is detected, all relays (Analog Bus and FET) are opened. Whilein the overvoltage state, any attempts to close any Analog Bus or FET switch,results in an error status response from the module.Once in the overvoltage state, you must restore normal module operation withone of these actions:– using the SYSTem:CPON command. This affects only the modulespecified.– using the *RST command. This command resets the mainframe and allinstalled modules to the Factory configuration. This affects all installedmodules.– cycling system power. This affects all installed modules.If the overvoltage situation is not resolved, clearing the overvoltage will result in anew overvoltage event occurring immediately.Further FET protection is assured only as one channel in each bank is closed atany time. Thus this module will operate as only a 1:N MUX module. For moreinformation about FET channel closures, refer to page 13.