3- 8 85032B/EUse, Maintenance, and Care of the DevicesGaging ConnectorsGaging ProceduresGaging Male Type-N ConnectorsNOTE Always hold a connector gage by the gage barrel, below the dial indicator. This gives thebest stability, and improves measurement accuracy.1. Select the proper gage for your connector. (Refer to Table 6-3 on page 6-5 for gage part numbers).2. Inspect and clean the gage, gage master, and device to be gaged. Refer to Visual Inspection andCleaning Connectors earlier in this chapter.3. Zero the connector gage (refer to Figure 3-3):a. While holding the gage by the barrel, and without turning the gage or the gage master, screw thegage master connecting nut onto the male gage, just until you meet resistance. Connect the nutfinger tight. Do not overtighten.b. Use the torque wrench recommended for use with this kit to tighten the connecting nut to 135 N-cm(12 in-lb). Refer to Connections on page 3-12 for more information.c. Loosen the dial lock screw on the gage and rotate the gage dial so that the pointer corresponds tothe correction value noted on the gage master. Do not adjust the gage dial to zero, unless thecorrection value on the gage master is zero.d. Tighten the dial lock screw and remove the gage master.e. Attach and torque the gage master to the gage once again to verify that the setting is repeatable.Remove the gage master.4. Gage the device connector (refer to Figure 3-3):a. While holding the gage by the barrel, and without turning the gage or the device, screw theconnecting nut of the device being measured onto the gage, just until you meet resistance. Connectthe nut finger-tight. Do not overtighten.b. Use the torque wrench recommended for use with this kit to tighten the connecting nut to 135 N-cm(12 in-lb). Refer to Connections on page 3-12 for more information.c. Gently tap the barrel of the gage with your finger to settle the gage reading.d. Read the gage indicator dial. If the needle has moved clockwise, the center conductor is protrudingby an amount indicated by the blacknumbers. If the needle has moved counterclockwise, the centerconductor is recessed by an amount indicated by the red numbers.For maximum accuracy, measure the connector a minimum of three times and take an average ofthe readings. After each measurement, rotate the gage a quarter-turn to reduce measurementvariations that result from the gage or the connector face not being exactly perpendicular to thecenter axis.e. Compare the average reading with the observed pin depth limits in Table 2-2 on page 2-4.