4-2 85054BPerformance VerificationIntroductionIntroductionThe performance of your calibration kit can only be verified by returning the kit to KeysightTechnologies for recertification. The equipment required to verify the specifications of thedevices in the kit has been specially manufactured and is not commercially available.How Keysight Verifies the Devices in This KitKeysight verifies the specifications of these devices as follows:1. The residual microwave error terms of the test system are verified with precision airlines andshorts that are directly traced to NIST (N ational Institute of Standards and Technology). Theairline and short characteristics are developed from mechanical measurements. Themechanical measurements and material properties are carefully modeled to give veryaccurate electrical representation. The mechanical measurements are then traced to NISTthrough various plug and ring gages and other mechanical measurements.2. Each calibration device is electrically tested on this system. For the initial (before sale)testing of the calibration devices, Keysight includes the test measurement uncertainty as aguardband to guarantee each device meets the published specification. For recertifications(after sale), no guardband is used and the measured data is compared directly with thespecification to determine the pass or fail status. The measurement uncertainty for eachdevice is, however, recorded in the calibration report that accompanies recertified kits.These two steps establish a traceable link to NIST for Keysight to the extent allowed by theInstitute's calibration facility. The specifications data provided for the devices in this kit istraceable to NIST through Keysight Technologies.