Performance VerificationPerformance verification ensures that the instrument performs within the specifications stated in thedata sheet. Some specifications are included in this document and were accurate at the time ofpublication, but the latest data sheet from the Keysight website should be referred to see if there are anychanges since this document was published.Recommended test equipmentThe test equipments recommended for the performance verification and adjustment procedures arelisted below. If the exact instrument is not available, use the accuracy requirements shown to selectsubstitute calibration standards.Type Specification Recommended ModelDigital Multimeter Readout: 6 1/2 digits Basic DC Accuracy: 0.0035% Keysight 34401A or equivalentCurrent Monitor 15 A (0.1 Ω), TC = 4 ppm/°C Guildline 9230A-15RElectronic Load 150 V, 5 A minimum, with transient capability and a slewrate of 833 kA/s or better.Keysight N3300A mainframe, withN330xA modulesLAN / USB Controller PC with Keysight Connection ExpertloadedOscilloscope Sensitivity: 1 mV; Bandwidth Limit: 20 MHz Probe: 1:1with RF tipKeysight Infiniium/6054A orequivalentRMS Voltmeter True RMS; Bandwidth: 20 MHz Sensitivity: 100 μV Rhode and Schwartz Model URE3or equivalentDifferential Amplifier Bandwidth: 20 MHz LeCroy 1855A or equivalentTerminations 1 – 50 Ω BNC termination2 – 50 Ω, 1/8 W termination resistorsVariable voltage transformeror AC sourceAdjustable to highest rated input voltage range. Power:500 VAKeysight 6813B or equivalentCalibration resistors for smallcurrent300 Ω (E36102A) 1/8 W minimum2.5 kΩ (E36103A) 1/8 W minimum9 kΩ (E36104A) 1/8 W minimum20 kΩ (E36105A) 1/8 W minimum51 kΩ (E36106A) 1/8 W minimumTest considerations– Ensure that the calibration ambient temperature is stable and between 20 °C and 30 °C.– Ensure ambient relative humidity is less than 80%.– Allow a 1-hour warm-up period before verification or calibration.– Keep cables as short as possible, consistent with the impedance requirements.