2 Keysight E4416A/E4417A Power Meters Service GuideNoticesCopyright Notice© Keysight Technologies 2001–2016No part of this manual may bereproduced in any form or by anymeans (including electronic storageand retrieval or translation into aforeign language) without prioragreement and written consent fromKeysight Technologies as governed byUnited States and internationalcopyright laws.Manual Part NumberE4416-90014EditionEdition 14, January 8, 2016Printed in:Printed in MalaysiaTechnology LicensesThe hardware and/or softwaredescribed in this document arefurnished under a license and may beused or copied only in accordance withthe terms of such license.Declaration of ConformityDeclarations of Conformity for thisproduct and for other Keysightproducts may be downloaded from theWeb.You can then search byproduct number to find the latestDeclaration of Conformity.U.S. Government RightsThe Software is “commercial computersoftware,” as defined by FederalAcquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101.Pursuant to FAR 12.212 and 27.405-3and Department of Defense FARSupplement (“DFARS”) 227.7202, theU.S. government acquires commercialcomputer software under the sameterms by which the software iscustomarily provided to the public.Accordingly, Keysight provides theSoftware to U.S. governmentcustomers under its standardcommercial license, which is embodiedin its End User License Agreement(EULA)The license set forth in theEULA represents the exclusive authorityby which the U.S. government may use,modify, distribute, or disclose theSoftware. The EULA and the license setforth therein, does not require orpermit, among other things, thatKeysight: (1) Furnish technicalinformation related to commercialcomputer software or commercialcomputer software documentation thatis not customarily provided to thepublic; or (2) Relinquish to, orotherwise provide, the governmentrights in excess of these rightscustomarily provided to the public touse, modify, reproduce, release,perform, display, or disclosecommercial computer software orcommercial computer softwaredocumentation. No additionalgovernment requirements beyondthose set forth in the EULA shall apply,except to the extent that those terms,rights, or licenses are explicitly requiredfrom all providers of commercialcomputer software pursuant to the FARand the DFARS and are set forthspecifically in writing elsewhere in theEULA. Keysight shall be under noobligation to update, revise orotherwise modify the Software. Withrespect to any technical data asdefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS227.7102, the U.S. governmentacquires no greater than Limited Rightsas defined in FAR 27.401 or DFAR227.7103-5 (c), as applicable in anytechnical data.WarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THISDOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,” ANDIS SUBJECT TO BEING CHANGED,WITHOUT NOTICE, IN FUTUREEDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THE MAXIMUMEXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLELAW, KEYSIGHT DISCLAIMS ALLWARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THISMANUAL AND ANY INFORMATIONCONTAINED HEREIN, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. KEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BELIABLE FOR ERRORS OR FORINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THEFURNISHING, USE, OR PERFORMANCEOF THIS DOCUMENT OR OF ANYINFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN.SHOULD KEYSIGHT AND THE USERHAVE A SEPARATE WRITTENAGREEMENT WITH WARRANTY TERMSCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THISDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITHTHESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY TERMSIN THE SEPARATE AGREEMENT SHALLCONTROL.Safety InformationCAUTIONA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in damage to the productor loss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION noticeuntil the indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.WARNINGA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury or death.Do not proceed beyond a WARNINGnotice until the indicated conditions arefully understood and met.