Using the Oscilloscope 2Keysight Infiniium 9000 Series Oscilloscopes User’s Guide 41Making a measurement on a waveformDrag a measurement icon to the waveform event you want to measure, or click ameasurement icon and specify which source you want to measure in the dialog boxthat appears.For measurements on waveform features, such as those that involve waveformedges, if you click the measurement icon and specify a source, the measurementdefaults to using the feature closest to the horizontal reference point. When youmake the measurement using drag-and-drop, the measurement uses thewaveform feature closest to the point where you drop the icon.The most commonly used measurements are available in the drag and drop area.Others are available from the Add Measurement dialog box.When you drag and drop a measurement icon on a waveform, the icon outlinechanges color to match the color of each waveform it touches so you can easilysee which waveform will be measured.For edge-sensitive measurements, when you drop the measurement icon on awaveform, a circled number appears in the waveform marker color. This numbershows exactly where the measurement is being made. It is displayed next to themeasurement readout in the Results area.This feature helps you distinguish measurement results from each other when youmake multiple measurements on the same waveform, but at different waveformfeatures.Using quick measurementsYou can define the [Multi Purpose] key to perform one of these quick actions:• QuickMeas—performs automatic measurements• QuickPrint—prints the screen image to the default printer• QuickScreen—saves the screen image to a file• QuickSetup—loads a setup file• QuickWaveform—saves waveform data to a file• QuickSave—saves a customized set of screen images and/or waveforms to theselected file• QuickEmail—sends an email of the current screen image• QuickExecute—runs an executable file• QuickControl—cycles through the possible front panel control sources• QuickComposite—saves the composite data to the selected fileThe action taken when the [Multi Purpose] key is pressed (or Utilities > Multipurposeis chosen) depends on the feature selected in the Customize Multipurpose dialogbox (Utilities > Customize Multipurpose...). The default feature is QuickMeas.