Step 1. Determine the device’s model and option (DC connector)Example Model: 87104D (SP4T switch)Option: 100 (solder terminal)Step 2. Determine the M9170A’s interface cable optionExample Model: M9170Option 201 (20 pin to bare wire interface cable assembly)Step 3. Use the selection guide, Table 1 for switches and Table 2 for attenuators todetermine which configuration table to use for further reference.Example Selection Guide: Table 1 (for switches)Configuration Table: Table 5-AStep 4. Configure your switching system using Table 5-A (page 9) as a referenceFive Simple Steps to Configure Your Switching SystemTable 5-A. Configuration of M9170A (Option 201) to 87104A/B/C/D, L7104A/B/C andL7204A/B/C SP4T (Option 100)From M9170A (Option 201) To 87104A/B/C/D, L7104A/B/C and L7204A/B/C SP4T (Option 100)Interface cable20 PIN Bare wire cable Solder terminal number RF path Device under test (DUT)1 Yellow 1 Vcc for DUT 1DUT 14 Orange 15 GND for DUT 12 Green 5 2 to C closed3 Red 7 3 to C closed5 Black/Pink 11 5 to C closed6 White 13 6 to C closed7 Black/Green 1 Vcc for DUT 2DUT 210 Violet 15 GND for DUT 28 Black/Yellow 5 2 to C closed9 Black 7 3 to C closed12 Black/Gray 11 5 to C closed13 Black/White 13 6 to C closed17 Black /Violet 1 Vcc for DUT 3DUT320 Brown 15 GND for DUT 315 Gray 5 2 to C closed16 Black/Blue 7 3 to C closedTable 1: Selection guide for switchesSwitchfamilySwitch model number SwitchoptionM9170A002 001 003 501 601 201Bypass8763A, 8763B, 8763C 011/024 Table 3-B8764A, 8764B, 8764C 011/024 Table 3-CN1811TL 202 Table 12-G201 Table 12-HN1812UL 202 Table 12-E201 Table 12-FSPDT8762A, 8762B, 8762C, 8762F 011/024 Table 3-A8765A, 8765B, 8765C, 8765D, 8765F 305/324 Table 4N1810UL 202 Table 12-A201 Table 12-BN1810TL 202 Table 12-C201 Table 12-DSP3T 8766K 060 Table 9SP4T87104A, 87104B, 87104C, 87104D 100 Table 5-A161 Table 5-B87204A, 87204B, 87204C 100 Table 6L7104A, L7104B, L7104C 100 Table 5-A161 Table 5-BL7204A, L7204B, L7204C 100 Table 5-A161 Table 5-B8767K 060 Table 98767M No Option Table 10SP5T 8768K 060 Table 98768M No Option Table 10SP6T87106A, 87106B, 87106C, 87106D 100 Table 7-A161 Table 7-B87206A, 87206B, 87206C 100 Table 8L7106A, L7106B, L7106C 100 Table 7-A161 Table 7-BL7206A, L7206B, L7206C 100 Table 7-A161 Table 7-BMatrix 87406B 100 Table 7-A161 Table7-B87606B 100 Table 9Transfer87222C, 87222D, 87222E 100 Table 11-A161 Table 11-BL7222C 100 Table 11-A161 Table 11-B4 | Keysight | M9170A PXI Attenuator/Switch Driver Module - Configuration Guide