12Additional options– Pulse measurements (Option H08)This option provides software to set up and control pulsed-RFmeasurements with point-in-pulse and pulse-profile capability.The software sets the coefficient of the PNA-X’s digital-IF filters tonull out unwanted spectral components, enables the receiver IFgates on the rear panel, controls internal pulse generators (Option025), internal pulse modulators (Option 021 and/or 022) or externalpulse modulators, and optimization for measurement sensitivity.The measurement software can run on the PNA-X or an externalcomputer. A “.dll” file containing the IF-filter algorithms is includedfor automated pulsed-RF testing. The N1966A pulse I/O adapter isrecommended if using external pulse generators and/or externalpulse modulators.– Time domain (Option 010)This option enables the PNA-X to view reflection andtransmission responses in time or distance. Use time domain totune filters, gate out the response of fixtures and cables, character-ize the impedance of transmission lines and more.– Add IF inputs for antenna and millimeter-wave (Option 020)This option enables external IF inputs on the rear panel ofthe PNA-X for applications such as antenna and millime-ter-wave test.– Add pulse modulator to internal first source (Option 021)This option enables the internal pulse modulator on source 1.Control of the modulator can also be done via pin 8 of the Pulse I/OD-sub connector on the rear panel of the PNA-X using an externalpulse generator, or by using one of the internal pulse generators(Option 025). The N1966A pulse I/O adapter is recommended ifusing an external pulse generator. (See diagram below for details ofthe D-sub connector.)– Add pulse modulator to internal second source (Option 022)This option enables the internal pulse modulator on source 2.Control of the modulator can also be done via pin 8 of the Pulse I/OD-sub connector on the rear panel of the PNA-X using an externalpulse generator, or by using one of the internal pulse generators(Option 025). The N1966A pulse I/O adapter is recommended ifusing an external pulse generator. Option 224 or 400 required. (Seediagram below for details of the D-sub connector.)– Add four internal pulse generators (Option 025)This option enables four internal pulse generators. These pulsegenerators can be used to control the internal pulse modulators andinternal receiver IF gates, and are also available on pins 10 through13 of the Pulse I/O D-sub connector on the rear panel of the PNA-Xto control external modulators and/or gates. The N1966A pulse I/Oadapter is recommended if using external pulse modulators. (Seediagram below for details of the D-sub connector.)8 7 6 5 4 3 2 115 14 13 12 11 10 9Pulse I/O D-sub connector (DB-15 female)– Fully-corrected noise figure measurements (Option 029)This option adds hardware and firmware for high-accuracy noisefigure measurements, utilizing Keysight’s unique source-correctiontechnique. Using the PNA-X and a Keysight ECal module configuredas an impedance tuner, the effects of imperfect system sourcematch are removed, greatly improving the accuracy of the cold-source technique. This approach surpasses the accuracy providedby the Y-factor method. This option requires an N4691B ECalmodule (m-f recommended) and a 346-series noise source (bothmust be ordered or supplied separately). During calibration of theanalyzer, an additional ECal or mechanical calibration kit is required(also must be ordered or supplied separately). The noise source isonly used during calibration of the analyzer. To use the ECal moduleas a tuner, Option 029 includes a cable (N5242-20137) and 3.5 mmm-f adapter (85052-60013) for use with m-f modules (N4691B-M0F). For use with f-f ECal modules (N4691B-00F), order a 3.5 mmm-m adapter (85052-60014).– Frequency offset (Option 080)This option enables the PNA-X to set the source frequency inde-pendently from where the receivers are tuned. This ability is import-ant for measuring amplifiers, mixers, and frequency converters.– Scalar-calibrated converter measurements (Option 082)With a simple setup and calibration, this application delivers thehighest accuracy for conversion-loss (or gain) magnitude mea-surements by combining one-port and power-meter calibrationsto remove mismatch errors. This application provides an intuitiveand easy-to-use user interface for setting up mixer and convertermeasurements, with single or dual conversion stages (up to twolocal oscillators, LO), along with control of up to two external signalgenerators for use as LO. External synthesizers supported includethe Keysight ESG series and the PSG series of signal source familiesas well as other SCPI controlled signal generators. Option 082requires Option 080, and cannot be ordered with Option 083.PNA-X Network Analyzer