22GBDefinitionDefinitionThe KINETEC Spectra is a Knee PASSIVE mobilization device enabling the extension and flexion movement from -10° to 120°.• Indications• Indications• Knee replacement surgery.• Fractures (patellar, tibia plateau, femoral,...).• Arthrolysis• Hip surgery, including hip replacement, hip pinning, osteotomy,...).• Ligament repairs.• Arthroscopic surgery (menisectomies, patellectomies,...)• Burns, joints sepsis,...• Clinical Benefits• Clinical Benefits• Breaks the cycle of trauma, inflammation and the loss of range of motion.• Prevents joint stiffness.• Speeds the recovery of post-operative range of motion.• Maintains the quality of the joint surface.• Reduces pain and edema.• Promotes joint cartilage healing.• Reduces hospitalization time• Reduces the need for pain medication.• Provides immediate post-operative continuous passive motion.• Digital ROM readout on the patient hand control for positive reinforcement.• Maintains desired positions for stretching and muscular rest.• Contraindications• ContraindicationsBone Cancer, Warped joint surfaces, Spastic paralyses, Unstable fractures, Uncontrolled infection.The machine are not adapted for patients height more 2 m(6'7") or under 1,40m (4'7").