Úå å+)2!-%+ å).# FEATURE PROGRAMMINGTo program features, have your vehicle’s key ready to turn theignition (IG) “on-and-off” several times. (TIP: Use the “ACC” posi-tion as IG “off” because its easier to switch.)Perform the following 3-step procedure to alter the features shown in Table-1below:Disarm1. the system. (Or “Arm-then-Disarm” if repeating this procedure.)Turn2. IG on-and-off the same number of times as the feature you wish toprogram (refer to “No.” in Table-1 below), within 20 sec. of disarming.(For example, if you want to change “Auto Arm,” you must turn the IGon-and-off 8 times within 20 sec.)Push3. Button-I on the pager or transmitter. (Your chosen setting hastoggled. Vehicle hazard lights will then flash the same number of timesas the feature you just programmed.)When the hazard lights finish flashing in Step-3 above, you may•program another feature by restarting this procedure at Step-1.4!",% &EATUREå3ELECTIONå-ENU.O &EATUREå$ESCRIPTION 4OGGLEå3ETTINGS )'å0ROTECTå-ODEåå2EMOTEå3TARTå#å-ODE )'å0ROTECT 23#- (AZARDå,IGHTSå/.å$URINGå2EMOTEå3TART /&& /. !UTOå!RM /&& /. !UTOå2EARM /&& /. %XTERIORå)LLUMINATION /&& /. 4RANSMITTERå,EARNINGåå-ANUALå$ISARMå#ODE &ACTORYå$ISARMå#ODEåå&!#4/29å$%&!5,4å3%44).'3å3(/7.å).å"/,$å4%84å!"/6%å ./4%3 (1) After you program a feature, hazard lights will flashthe same number of times as the feature you just programmed, but therewill be no indication of the “setting” you just toggled to—simply test your1370 system to confirm your programming. (2) There is no “reset to fac-tory default” feature.