1. TTo Connect the Series Tap Plug Thermostat Kit:a. Connect the power cord of the heater to thefemale side of the plug on the end of thethermostat cord.b. Plug the male side of the series tap plug on thethermostat cord into a three-wire (grounded)electrical outlet within the building.2. To Connect the Direct Wired Thermostat Kit to theControl Box on the Heater:a. The installation and wiring of a thermostat mustbe done by an electrician or someone properlyqualified.b. The thermostat may use 18 gauge, 2 wire cord tohandle the low voltage being supplied to thethermostat from the transformer.c. Follow all instructions provided with thethermostat kit.d. The heater must be tested for proper operationafter the thermostat has been connected.WARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard■ Disconnect the electrical supply before connecting thethermostat to the heater.■ Failure to follow this warning can result in electricalshock, leading to personal injury or death.11THERMOSTAT INSTALLATIONMANUAL SHUT-OFF VALVE, HOSEAND REGULATOR ASSEMBLYREGULATORNIPPLEVALVE, MANUALSHUT-OFFGAS HOSEADAPTERSEDIMENT TRAPTO CONTROLVALVE INLETREGULATOR VENTGAS FLOW1. Always use approved pipe thread compound suitablefor use with L.P. gas or natural gas on the threadedconnections.2. Assemble the components together according to thefigure. This view is to show general assembly of thecomponents only. The regulator must always bemounted so its vent, regardless of location on theregulator, is always pointed downward.3. Tighten all connections securely and check for gasleaks.FIG. 9Assemble the tee, nipples and cap together and tightensecurely. See Fig. 8. The sediment trap assembly mustalways be mounted in a vertical position. Make sure pipethread compound that is resistant to both L.P. gas andnatural gas is used in making all connections. Check allconnections for gas leaks using approved gas leakdetectors.FIG. 8SEDIMENT TRAP ASSEMBLYNIPPLEHOSE ADAPTERTEENIPPLECAPTO GAS CONTROLVALVE INLET