c. Delete All In the voice sub-menu screen, choose “Delete all”; then select “Yes / No” by using the /button. Once “YES” or “NO” appears, press the M button to confirm. All music files will be deleted once YES is selected and confirmed, a “Deleting” screen appearsfor a while and the deleting process is in progress, then an “Empty disk!” message will beshown on the screen for a few seconds.d. Exit Select Exit to go back to the music now playing screen.17. Use Voice Sub-menu in Playing ModeYou might need to do some changes for music playing, such as repeat, EQ settings for music files…etc. To change settings:a. Repeat In the voice playing mode, press the M button. A Music Sub-menu appears, then choose“Repeat”, then choose “Normal / Repeat one / Folder / Repeat folder / Repeat all / Random”as you desire by using the / and M buttons.b. Exit Select Exit to go back to the music now playing screen.Note: Press and hold the M button will go back to Main Menu directly.18. Use Photo BrowseYou can use the player as picture / photo viewer: To browse a picture / photo file, choose “Photo” from the main menu using the /and M button; a list menu appears. Choose a file by using the / button, and then press the button to play. Press the button to stop and to go back to the list menu for other files selection. To change the previous / next photo, press the / button. Press and hold the M button to go back to the main menu.19. Use Photo Submenu in List ScreenYou might need to change some settings for photo browse. To change settings:a. Local Folder In the list menu, press the M button to call up the photo submenu. In the photo submenu, choose “Local folder”; a list menu appear, and then choose folder andfile to browse by using the / and M button. Once a photo file is selected, press the button to play.b. Playback Set In the photo submenu, choose “Playback set” and then choose “Manual play”. However, you