LaCie 2big Network 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON Accessing & Transferring FilesUser Manual page 263.4. Accessing Shares via USBThe 2big Network 2 can be connected to your network via Ethernetor directly to a computer via USB. This chapter explains how to con-nect your hard drive to a computer. For details on connecting toyour network, refer to chapter 2. Connecting to a Network.IMPORTANT INFO: You must successfully connect to the networkand run the Setup Wizard before connecting the 2big Network 2 toyour computer via USB. Follow the steps in chapter 2. Connecting toa Network before continuing. Additionally, you will need to increasethe storage allocated for USB access by adjusting the USBShare sizeslider (which is set to 0GB by default) (refer to 2.4. STEP 4: Complet-ing the Setup Wizard or 4.11. Dashboard: Drive Information.TECHNICAL NOTE: If your network is limited to 10/100 Mbittransfer speeds or if you use WiFi, the USB connection will generallypermit faster transfer times. In this case, LaCie suggests that as afirst step you copy large quantities of files to the 2big Network 2 viaUSB, then as a second step, share them throughout your network viathe Ethernet cable.Follow these steps to getting your LaCie 2big Network 2 connectedto your computer:3.4.1. STEP 1: Connecting the USB cable3.4.2. STEP 2: Turn On the Drive