LaCie Ethernet Big DiskUser ManualFig. ..A.5.4. Network MenuOn this page you can view information about theLaCie Ethernet Big Disk’s IP configuration. From thispage, you can also modify the IP configuration of theLaCie Ethernet Big Disk (Fig. 5.4.A.).On this page, the connected interface will be repre-sented by a blue button, and the disconnected interfaceby a red button. Only settings for connected interfacescan be modified.Using the NAS Administration Pagepage On this page, you can check which interface isconnected, either the Ethernet, or USB or both andthen to configure the connection.There are two alternative methods for determiningthe LaCie Ethernet Big Disk’s IP address: ObtainConfiguration From DHCP Server or ConfigureManually (Fig. 5.4.1.A.).Obtain Configuration From DHCP ServerThis method is used when the LaCie Ethernet BigDisk is connected to a DHCP enabled network with aDHCP server. In this case, the server automatically as-signs the IP address for the LaCie Ethernet Big Disk.Configure ManuallyThis method is used when the LaCie Ethernet BigDisk is connected to a non-DHCP enabled network.In this case, you will need to manually assign the cor-rect network settings for your LaCie Ethernet Big Disk.Please refer to your network administrator for more in-formation about your network and which parameters youshould use. For more information, refer to chapter 3.6.,Configure Your Drive On a Local Area Network with noDHCP Server.5.4.1. IP Configuration■Fig. ...B.TEChNICAl NOTE: If you have a small homenetwork with a router, the Gateway and DNSServer address will be the local IP address of yourrouter.