LANCOM 1722 VoIP – LANCOM 1723 VoIP – LANCOM 1724 VoIP – LANCOM 1823 VoIP Chapter 3: Basic configuration55EN Be aware that releasing this option also allows remote configurationover the Internet. Whichever option you select, make sure that con-figuration access is password protected. Charge protection is a function which can place a limit on the costs fromWAN connections. Accept your entries with Next. Close the configuration with Finish. See the section 'TCP/IP settings for PC workstations' for informationon the settings that are required for computers in the LAN.3.3 Instructions for WEBconfigDevice settings can be configured from any Web browser. WEBconfig config-uration software is an integral component of the LANCOM. A Web browser isall that is required to access WEBconfig. WEBconfig offers similar Setup Wiz-ards to LANconfig and hence provides the perfect conditions for easy config-uration of the LANCOM – although, unlike LANconfig, it runs under anyoperating system with a Web browser.Secure with HTTPSWEBconfig offers secure (remote) configuration by encrypting the configura-tion data with HTTPS.https:// Always use the latest version of your browser to ensure maximumsecurity.Accessing the device with WEBconfigTo carry out a configuration with WEBconfig, you need to know how to con-tact the device. Device behavior and accessibility for configuration via a Webbrowser depend on whether the DHCP server and DNS server are active in theLAN already, and whether these two server processes share the assignment inthe LAN of IP addresses to symbolic names. WEBconfig accesses the LANCOMeither via its IP address, the device name (if configured), or by means of anyname if the device has not yet been configured.Following power-on, unconfigured LANCOM devices first check whether aDHCP server is already active in the LAN. Depending on the situation, thedevice can either enable its own DHCP server or enable DHCP client mode. In