LANCOM 821 ADSL/ISDN – LANCOM 1621 ADSL/ISDN – LANCOM 1711 VPN Chapter 8: Security settings67EN In a next step parameters of the configuration lock like number of failedlog-in attempts and the duration of the lock can be adjusted. Now activate Stateful Inspection, ping-blocking and Stealth mode in thethe firewall configuration. The wizard will inform you when entries are complete. Complete the con-figuration with Finish.8.1.2 Wizard for WEBconfigUnder WEBconfig you have the possibility to run the wizard Security settingsto control and change the settings. The following values are handled: password for the device allowed protocols for the configuration access of local and remote net-works the MSN for remote configuration via ISDN parameters of configuration lock (number of failed log-in attempts andduration of the lock)8.2 The firewall wizardThe LANCOM incorporates an effective protection of your LAN and WLANwhen accessing the Internet by its Stateful Inspection firewall and its firewallfilters. Basic idea of the Stateful Inspection firewall is that only self-initiateddata transfer is considered allowable. All unasked accesses, which were notinitiated from the local network, are inadmissible.The firewall wizard assists you to create new firewall rules quickly and com-fortably.Please find further information about the firewall of your LANCOM and aboutits configuration in the reference manual.8.2.1 Wizard for LANconfigThe firewall wizard assists you to create new firewall rules quickly and com-fortably .