LASER LASER LASER LASER21234567891011121389106713411132512Laser output windowsON / OFF switch;transport retainer1/4“ fastening screw5/8“ tripod threads withthreaded bush insert for1/4“ photo-tripod threadsSpecial pins for directattachment to a wallLED levellingred: levelling offgreen: levelling onLaser line selection button;Hand receiver mode on / offLED hand receiver modeBattery compartment (backside)5/8” tripod threads (bottom)Holding magnets on theback-side for attachment tomagnetic-responsive objectsHeight adjustment knobTripod/wall bracket with63 mm height adjustmentAlways rotate the special pinsinto their parked position fortransport, see illustrationbelow. Otherwise there isdanger of injury.!FastenPark08 GBThe transport restraint must be released for horizontal and vertical levelling. The laser lines flash and theLED lights red as soon as the device is outside the automatic levelling range of 5°. Position the devicesuch that it is within the levelling range. The LED switches back to green and the laser lines stop flashing(steady light).!Horizontal and vertical levellingRelease the transport restraint, setthe ON/OFF switch to „ON“. Thelaser cross will appear. The laser linescan be switched individually with theselection button.Manual_SmartLineLaser360_Rev.0813_Blister.indd 08 07.10.13 15:40