Verifying that an option is installed correctlyTo verify if a new adapter or drive is correctly installed and configured, do thefollowing:1. From the Windows desktop, use the right mouse button to click My Computer;then, click Properties.2. In the System Properties window, click the Device Manager tab.3. Click View devices by type.4. Click the plus sign next to each of the device types to expand the list.v If neither an X nor a circled exclamation point appears over any of the icons,all devices are working properly.v An X over an icon indicates that the device is disabled. A circled exclamationpoint over an icon indicates a resource conflict. If an X or a circledexclamation point appears over an icon, click Properties to learn more aboutthe source of the problem.v If the device is not listed, it might not be physically installed correctly. Makesure the option is installed according to instructions, all cables andconnections are secure, and any jumper or switch settings are correct.v If the device is listed under Other devices, a required device driver is eithermissing or installed incorrectly, or the operating system was not restartedafter the device driver was installed. Restart the computer and recheck thedevice again. If it is still listed under Other devices, refer to thedocumentation that comes with the option and reinstall the device driver.Note: For further information, refer to your Microsoft Operating System’s manual.Configuring PCI adaptersAlong with the documentation that comes with your adapter, use the followinginformation to help with adapter configuration.PCI adapters generally require no user configuration. The computer and operatingsystem work together to automatically manage the resources required by eachdevice installed in the computer and to assign resources to new devices in amanner that avoids system conflicts. However, two conditions might require youto change some settings in the Configuration/Setup Utility program:v Parity checkingSome PCI adapters do not support parity checking (check the documentationthat comes with your adapter). If you install a PCI adapter that does not supportparity checking, you might need to disable parity checking on the PCI bus. Todisable parity checking:1. Start the Configuration/Setup Utility program (see Access IBM).2. From the Configuration/Setup Utility program menu, select Advanced Setupand press Enter.3. Select PCI Control and press Enter.4. Use the arrow keys to set the PCI Parity setting to Disabled.5. Press Esc until you return to the Configuration/Setup Utility program menu.6. Before you exit from the program, select Save Settings from theConfiguration/Setup Utility program menu and press Enter.7. To exit from the Configuration/Setup Utility program, press Esc and followthe instructions on the screen.68 User Guide