N32U User's manual 11Connecting the transducer supplied by acurrent loop (2-wire system 4...20 mA).Connecting the transducer with a voltageoutput in 3-wire system.5 ServiceThe N32 meter user interface includes an LCD display and the buttons which enable todisplay the measuring value, a full configuration and setting of the meter or modification ofthe parameters.After turning the meter on the display shows the name of the meter and the softwareversion. If there is no error during meter initialization process, the meter will switch todisplaying the measuring value. If during the initialization any irregularities or deviationsare detected, than a message with information about a detected error will be displayed(see point 6 - Error codes).5.1 Description of the frontal plateView of the front panel of the meter is shown in Fig. 6. The LCD display with backlight and4 buttons are on the front panel. The description of the display fields is shown below. Thebutton functions are shown in the section 5.2.